EASAOnline offers a Special Package of 5 Aircraft EASA Compliant Maintenance Planning courses
The Aviation Maintenance Planning Function is the responsibility of the Aircraft Operator or Owner. Without doubt the opportunity exists in every organization to employ effective Maintenance Planning processes which may contribute significantly to achieving real cost savings within the organization.
This comprehensive package of 5 courses considers best practice processes for accomplishing the various tasks which together make up the challenging role of Maintenance Planning, whilst at the same time considering opportunities to optimize the effectiveness of the process.
It is specifically designed for people with a direct involvement in EASA Part M Subpart C Planning functions whether in a Management Supervisory or Administrative role. It will also serve as a beneficial training program for anyone with responsibilities which include delivering effective Aircraft Maintenance.
EASAOnline (EOL) is a service provided by Sofema Aviation Services, offering a range of EASA compliant online video regulatory courses. EOL is supported by European Aviation Institute (EAI) an EASA Part 147 approved Maintenance Training Organization (MTO) with Certificate of Approval No RO.147.0003.
The trainings are designed to be effective and to help you reach the correct level of understanding in the comfort of your own home or office. The course content is followed by an online examination after which you are able to print out your certificate. Through its Learning Management System (LMS), EOL is able to offer a number of tailored services to support our major clients with in-company courses covering internal procedures and “mini” training courses.
Details of the Special 5 course Maintenance Planning Package
Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment
When dealing with the complex technical systems involved in air transport the consequences of unreliable services become critical and may include a high cost of operation, a loss of productivity, incidents, and exposure to accidents which could even impact the company’s marketplace position. The Maintenance Planning function is critical to the integrity of the organisation and this course introduces the student to the EASA compliant Maintenance Planning Process.
Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment Fundamentals
The essential purpose of Aircraft Maintenance is to either return a defective system or component to serviceability or to maintain the aircraft system, component or structure in an airworthy condition.
In reality it was understood that schedule overhaul did not have a particular impart on the reliability of a component – unless there was a dominant failure mode evident (Thus calling into question the associated rational in performing the overhaul).
A second understanding concerns the fact that there are many items for which there is no “effective maintenance activity” for scheduled hard time maintenance.
Aircraft Maintenance Planning Management and Development in an EASA Environment
The Management processes associated with the role of the Maintenance Planning Function is of significant importance when considering the various challenges associated with developing and optimizing the various processes involved in the controls.
Maintenance costs can be driven down without compromising quality; in addition asset values can be maintained or increased without excessive expenditure. This course considers several key areas where the management and development of the EASA Maintenance Planning Function may be influenced and supported.
Aircraft Maintenance Planning Optimization Processes in an EASA Environment
We all know that maintenance is a significant driver of cost to the airline, therefore anything which can lead to a decrease in these costs without impacting safety or reliability is highly relevant to the planning process.
Often there are gaps in our understanding of all related cost considerations so a major factor to consider becomes the measurement of both the cost and the value of the maintenance process.
This course considers elements factors and opportunities which can enable optimization of the planning process.
Advanced Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment
We operate aircraft within a heavily regulated industry which maintains a set of mandatory standards which we need to meet or exceed. Compliance with the aircraft maintenance program is the method by which we demonstrate we are meeting these requirements.
The Aircraft Maintenance Process is a major cost center within the aircraft operating environment and provides also a significant opportunity to deliver optimization and saving.
This course looks at several advanced subjects which are directly involved in the delivery of effective Aircraft Maintenance Planning.
About this course
Course type: Promo Package
Package consists of the following 5 courses:
1/ Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment
2/ Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment Fundamentals
3/ Aircraft Maintenance Planning Management and Development in an EASA Environment
4/ Aircraft Maintenance Planning Optimization Processes in an EASA Environment
5/ Advanced Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment
Price: 245.00 USD
To select this course please visit Aircraft Maintenance Planning Package
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