Achieving Continuing Airworthiness Success with CAMO Competence - SofemaOnline launches a Consolidated CAMO Package

There is no question regarding the need and importance of effectively managing the performance of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO).

Efficiency and success in this process usually translating into appropriate regular training for specific job roles, which results in greater awareness of the process of engagement and understanding regarding the management of the maintenance activities across the business.

Recently, SofemaOnline launched a Consolidated CAMO Package including 3 online training courses for people involved in the technical management of Commercial Aircraft Maintenance (CAMO), in particular those responsible for the Technical Engineering, Maintenance Planning, Technical Records, for CAMO Quality Auditors as well as anyone with an interest to achieve an effective interface between the reliability function and other departments within the organisation.

The Package consists of:

EASA Part 21 Review for CAMO Staff

Part M Essentials for Large Aircrafts with VO

Aircraft Technical Records

Among many others, the learning outcomes of this package include:

a) understanding of the roles and responsibilities within the CAMO group;

b) understanding how an effective reliability program can drive operational optimizations;

c) increasing awareness of the structure composition and impact of EASA Part M Maintenance Planning Regulations;

d) understanding organisational roles and responsibilities compliant with the management of the Maintenance Program;

e) understanding the development and approval of the Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP);

f) understanding the role of Part M CAMO functionality related to Maintenance Planning

g) gaining knowledge which will help to avoid or mitigate problems

More information about the package and how to enroll HERE.

Getting this package together saves you 30% from the regular price of the individual courses. For more information, contact us at [email protected]