SofemaOnline presents a new foundation course which will introduce you to the basics of Part 66

In November 2017, SofemaOnline introduced a new foundation course – Part 66 Foundation – which is part of a larger group of training courses for beginners to be launched until the end of the year. The future package will include also Quality Assurance Auditing Introduction and (EC) Regulation 965 Foundation course.

Part 66 Foundation’s objectives are to help the delegates:

  • -       understand in details the European Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (EASA) Part 66 License System;
  • -      consider the basic license structure together with the various categories A, B1, B2, B3 & C.

Why do we need Part 66 Foundation course?

It is important that nominated persons, postholders, and Executives have a solid understanding concerning the responsibilities to comply with all relevant EASA regulations relevant to the particular Organisation Approval.


We strongly believe that organizations which can deliver an effective quality audit system and a process to follow up with all issues in an effective and practical way, grow and flourish. The Part 66 Foundation course is part of SofemaOnline’s long-term goal to provide the maximum amount of support to our enrolled delegates until they achieve their EASA Part 66 AMEL.

Currently, the course is priced at 52.50 USD and you can read more about the contents HERE.

Turn to our team at [email protected] if you have any questions.