Blog posts tagged in regulations

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the requirements to implement a competence control system to comply with the AMC1 145.30(e) Personnel requirements


>> Competence should be defined as a measurable skill or standard of performance, knowledge and understanding, taking into consideration attitude and behaviour.
>> The referenced procedure requires amongst others that planners, mechanics, specialised services staff, supervisors and certifying staff whether employed or contracted, are assessed for before unsupervised work commences and that competence is controlled on a continuous basis.

Hits: 751

Sofema Online provides this most affordable solution to update your CAMO Team concerning the new Part M Regulations.

Sofema Online (SOL) Introduces a transition training package specifically developed with the aim of providing a regulatory update addressing the differences to EASA Part M introduced by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/270.

Note: From the 24 March 2020 Part CAMO is mandatory for all new applicants of Complex Motor Powered Aircraft (CMPA), and/or aircraft used by a Licensed Air Carrier. Following the transition from Part M Subpart G on 24th September 2021 will also be mandatory for all applicable aircraft.

Hits: 1152
0 Providing EASA Compliant Regulatory and Vocational Training when you need at your own pace. We provide an ever growing portfolio of online training courses and combination packages for example

Operations Regulation 965/2012 package, EASA Part M package & EASA Part 145 Package.

What sets SofemaOnline apart?

Quite simply we bust the myth that regulatory compliance is the objective!

It is not – compliance with the regulations is in reality minimum compliance, It should be a given not an objective- as Industries leading training organisation with 45 years background our focus is on effective delivery of the business  process.

Our training courses are based on and compliant with EASA, FAA, ICAO and other Standards as applicable and focus on a practical interpretation of the regulations (which is not necessarily the case with our competitors)

One of our major focus points is on delivering competence in the workplace

Hits: 1766

Regulations and More!

We could ask the question: "Why do we need regulations?" but, of course, the answer is obvious: we need regulations to protect our industry, employees, and passengers. Plus, it is essential to have a consistent way of controlling the way we do “what we do”.

Where do Regulations in Aviation come from?

Well, EASA is not the root of this regulation story, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is!

In response to the invitation of the United States Government, representatives of 54 nations met at Chicago from November 1 to December 7, 1944, to "make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes and services" and "to set up an interim council to collect, record and study data concerning international aviation and to make recommendations for its improvement."

Hits: 2328
0 is the online training portal of Sofema Aviation Service, please see our growing list of online training courses at

In order to ensure a smooth transition and a high level of civil aviation safety in the European Union, Implementing Rules should reflect the state of the art, including best practices, and scientific and technical progress in the field of air operations. Accordingly, technical requirements and administrative procedures agreed under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (hereinafter referred to as “ICAO”) and the European Joint Aviation Authorities (hereinafter referred to as “JAA”), as well as existing European and national rules, should be considered.

The introduction of Part OPS Regulation 965/2012 was a huge undertaking pulling together not only Commercial Air Transport – CAT but all the different arrangements related to operation of aircraft including Commercial other than Non Commercial, Helicopter, Aerial Work and other Specialist Services.

Hits: 4141

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A number of Training courses are mandated by EASA as recurrent, for example: Maintenance Human Factors (HF), Electrical Wiring Interconnect System Training (EWIS) and Fuel Tank Safety (FTS).

European Aviation Safety Agency drives the requirement for recurrent training through EASA Part 145 regulations.

This training may be delivered in house or by an external Regulatory Training Organisational for example or by an online training organization for example

Hits: 5235