Are you going places with Sofema Aviation Services & Sofema Online?

Learning academy2 01Have you Visited Sofema Learning Academy - Classroom - Webinar - Virtual - A warm Welcome Awaits Companies & Individuals!

Since 2008, Sofema Aviation Services has been welcoming aviation specialists from all over the world with one main goal - to provide a clear understanding of the regulatory environment. So far, our company has issued certificates to more than 30 000 delegates throughout multiple regions on several different continents. We value our customers and that’s why we strive to provide the best service.

What do we have to offer?

You can find over 550 Classroom Courses & More than 220 Online Courses available on our websites - &

Why Do Sofema Aviation Services & Sofema Online Continue to Grow with More Than 20,000 Enrolments during 2021?

Quite Simply:

     »  We Win Customers Because We Provide Highly Competitive Offers
     »  We Keep Customers Because of the Strength of our Product plus our Customers understand We Care, We are Professional and we Provide Real Support

Sofema Privileged Training Partner (PTP) Program

Sofema Privileged Training Partner (PTP) is our Aviation Regulatory Training Client Discount & Benefits Program. All PTP Clients get Corporate and Individual Discounts on more than 550 Classroom, Webinar, and 220+ Online Training Courses (Online through our sister site The Program combines all the offers of Classroom & Online and when you become a PTP client you may choose the best discount option to meet your requirements.

What are the benefits of becoming a PTP member? See Here

Sofema Online Aviation Network (SOAN)

Sofema Online Aviation Network (SOAN) - Now rebranded as SOL Plus - is a special Loyalty program. It’s our new way to reward every SOL user who has registered for online training individually. SOAN provides the customers with consistent discounts of up to 25%, 1 Free Course every year, and a unique discount for the Freedom Pass.

What are the 10 reasons why you should be a member of the Sofema Online Aviation Network (SOAN) today? Click Here to find out!

See how to become a SOAN member Here.

Sofema Aviation Services Library

Our goal is to help you enhance your knowledge. And sometimes we do it for free. With the Sofema Aviation Services Library, we give you access to over 200 aviation technical documents. You can download as many files as you like free of charge.

Visit the Download Area Here.

Sofema Aviation Services and our sister company SofemaOnline provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements. If you have questions, or you want to know more about our services, please email us at [email protected].