Sign up for the new Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff

Build CAT Certification Competence Sign up for the Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff provided by SOL SiteSofema Online has launched a New Package covering EASA Part 145 CAT A Certifying Staff:

Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff
consisting of 4 online courses for only 175.50 EUR

Buy the package before 31 May 2022 & benefit from the special introductory price of 150 EUR – Register here

Introduction to CAT A Certifying Staff

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the role of Part 145 Cat A Certifying Staff

>> The EASA Part 145 Organisation is responsible to manage and issue the certification approval of CAT A Staff

>> CAT A Staff either Hold a Part 66 License Without Type Rating (LWTR) or a B1 Rating on another Aircraft Type

It is important that as well as having the technical knowledge to perform the required task, for the CAT A certifying staff to have an appreciation of the associated role, and understand the responsibility which all certifying staff must accept when releasing an aircraft for service – Sofema Online offers a program of training specifically focused on the additional needs of the CAT A certifying staff.

Which courses are included in the Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff?

>> Part 145 Foundation with VO
Duration: equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 57.50 EUR

This course aims to provide the delegates with a detailed practical understanding of EASA Regulations relevant to the Part 145 Environment, an overview of all parts of EASA Part 145, & comprehensive knowledge of the role of EASA Part 145 and how it interfaces with Part M.

>> Aviation SMS Foundation with VO
Duration: equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 57.50 EUR

This course is designed to provide the delegates with a basic understanding of how we should interact with the organization’s Safety Management System (SMS). The presentation consists of a detailed introduction at foundation level and is suitable for all employees. Building on the importance for all members of the organisation to be able to engage with the SMS.

>> Aviation FOD Awareness Training
Duration: equivalent to half-day classroom training
Price: 57.50 EUR

The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the dangers which are faced due to Foreign Object Debris and the potential for Foreign Object Damage. In particular, the delegates will raise their awareness of the importance of taking responsibility and acting proactively to prevent and remove any FOD observed.

>> Aircraft Inspection Techniques For CAT A (Initial) with VO
Duration: equivalent to 1.5 classroom training
Price: 97.50 EUR

The aim of this course is to provide the delegates with a detailed understanding of the best practice aircraft maintenance inspection techniques in a relevant and practical way. They wil develop a detailed awareness regarding the need for effective aircraft maintenance inspection in all areas of Maintenance including Airframe, Engines, and Structure.

The Normal Price for the 4 courses, when undertaken individually, is 270 EUR

Take them as a package for the special price of 175.50 EUR / Delegate
Register before 31 May 2022 & grab the Package for Only 150 EUR!

Soft copy of the material:

>> Special offer for Individuals: You have the opportunity to receive a soft copy of the training material with a special discount of 25% of the price (see details) if you request it at [email protected] during your enrollment.

>> Special offer for Groups of 5 or more: If you have a minimum of 5 delegates registered together for a SOL online course, your nominated Course Leader / Administrator will be able to request a Free of charge soft copy of the training material.

How to register?

Visit the course’s page here and enroll directly on the website or email [email protected] to request details, payment instructions, and an enrollment form.

Are you a new SOL customer?

Check out our Free Product Demonstration with Voice-Over here

What’s more?

>> Existing customers are welcome to join the membership program – Sofema Online Aviation Network (SOAN) - Now rebranded as SOL Plus, Enjoy a Free Course every year + up to 25% off on your next training courses.

>> Receive unlimited access to 250+ training programs for 1 year – Take a Freedom Pass if you are an individual or Get a Corporate Freedom Pass for your organisation!