Concerning Accountancy Queries and Retrospective Support to Clients
Sofema Aviation Services provides a Proforma Invoice and on receipt of payment for Full VAT Invoice. The discharges our fiduciary responsibility in accordance with European Accounting Requirements. When a client has a special request to provide a formal invoice to enable payment, SAS will endeavor to support the final invoice, which should show the actual amount received to avoid accounting errors.
Important Note: Any discrepancies regarding actual funds received will require SAS to re-issue the final invoice, which may require the client to update their accounts.
Should a client require additional support to investigate anomalies, please note the following:
· Within 6 months of issuing an invoice, we will re-issue it as requested without charge.
· From 6 months to 1 year, there is a service charge of 50 Euros for accountancy support per single event.
· After 1 year, the fee for financial accountancy support is 100 Euros for a single event.
· In the event that a detailed analysis is required, we need to involve our external accountants, and in this case, the charge per event is 200 Euros (min) per request. The fee may increase where we are required to go back to review archived data.
· All fees are to be agreed upon and paid before the commencement of support activities.