The use of composites in aircraft structures and other components has increased fuel savings by reducing weight without sacrificing structural strength. As more composite aircraft enter into operation, detailed and documented composite training should be developed to ensure that personnel performing composite maintenance on aircraft structures and components properly evaluate and repair damage to meet the highest level of safety.
The course is designed to provide the basic/minimum composite knowledge and skills that a technician should have related to composite repair.
It includes a sample training course curriculum and practical skills evaluation, which can be used as a baseline framework for maintenance organizations to develop a composite repair training program to suit their individual needs.
Training Managers and Instructors responsible for providing composite repair training. Composite Repair Managers and Technicians.
a) You will gain knowledge of the essential requirements so that you are able to develop and document a personnel composite repair training program for your organization. b) You will understand what qualifications composite repair training instructors should have. c) You will recognize who should assess the competence of composite repair technicians and how it should be assessed. d) You will be provided with an example of a composite repair training course curriculum and a practical skills evaluation template.
- Acronyms and Definitions - General Requirements - Personnel Qualifications - Personnel Assessments - Training Course Curriculum - Practical Skills Evaluation
Training Department Personnel, Composite Repair Personnel, and Quality Personnel employed in an organization performing composite repairs of airframe and components.
By the end of this course, delegates will gain an understanding of the elements required of a training program for composite repair technicians. Having understood the essential elements, a training program can be developed from the example classroom/OJT curriculum and practical skills evaluation.
Course type: Presentation without voice over with no examination Duration equivalent to 2 hours classroom training Category: Part M Price: 53.00 EUR
3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5% 6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10% 11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15% 25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20% > 50 courses/delegates - 25%
For multiple courses/users discount please contact us at [email protected] |