The FAA receiving inspection system for aircraft parts and material aims to establish traceability and that parts were manufactured in accordance with 14 CFR Part 21, were previously determined to be airworthy under 14 CFR Part 43, and produced to established industry standards. For an operator or maintenance organisation to ensure these requirements are met requires personnel to be trained to acquire adequate knowledge to reduce the risk of allowing unairworthy parts into the system and maintain compliance.
The FAA regulations that drive the receiving inspection and stores distribution system and guidance material is far-reaching and includes aircraft identification marking, certification and maintenance.
This comprehensive 2 days training provides operators, maintenance organizations and manufacturers with detailed guidance on how to establish an enhanced receiving inspection system to help eliminate the safety risk posed by unairworthy components, parts, or materials.
Attending this training will place companies in the best position to ensure that products being returned to service conform to type design or specifications and airworthiness requirements and are in a condition for safe operation.
- Definitions and Abbreviations - Approved vs Acceptable Parts - Determining Traceability and Eligibility of Aircraft Replacement Parts - Production Approval Holders Parts Certification Responsibilities - Developing a Receiving Inspection System Plan - Receiving Inspection Procedures for Aircraft Parts and Material - Aircraft Parts and Material Documentation Requirements - Disposition of Scrap or Salvageable Aircraft Parts and Material - Training and Qualification of Receiving Inspection Personnel - Detecting and Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts - Auditing a Receiving Inspection System
The course is intended for personnel who are required to manage or operate an Aviation Store or who are required to accept material into an Aviation Store. The course would also benefit Certifying Staff, Quality Inspectors, Quality Managers, Maintenance Managers and Maintenance Engineers.
A background in an aviation environment is required.
Benefits from attending this training are to gain an understanding of:
- U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations relevant to an aviation store and how to maintain compliance. - the various processes and procedures for personnel involved in Aviation Stores management and Receipt Inspection. - establishing aeronautical parts traceability and eligibility for installation. - the issues associated with Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUPs) and how to help eliminate the safety risk they impose. - the key elements involved in auditing an aviation stores for compliance.
Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 2-day classroom training Category: FAA - UAE - OTAR & General Price: 135.00 EUR
3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5% 6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10% 11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15% 25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20% > 50 courses/delegates - 25%
For multiple courses/users discounts, please contact us at [email protected] |