Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff

Part 145 Training Package for CAT A Certifying Staff



Sofema Online (SOL) considers the role of Part 145 Cat A Certifying Staff.

· The EASA Part 145 Organisation is responsible for managing and issuing the certification approval of CAT A Staff

· CAT A Staff either Hold a Part 66 License Without Type Rating (LWTR) or a B1 Rating on another Aircraft Type

It is important that, as well as having the technical knowledge to perform the required task, CAT A certifying staff have an appreciation of the associated role, and understand the responsibility which all certifying staff must accept when releasing an aircraft for service – Sofema Online offers a program of training specifically focused on the additional needs of the CAT A certifying staff.


Part 145 Foundation with VO

What is EASA Part 145? - Quite simply it is an approval which lets organisations allow certain individuals to certify aircraft. (Lots of “ifs” “buts” and “providing” of course! but this is it in a nutshell.) The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for the regulations which govern the maintenance performed on aircraft which are used for Commercial Air Transport throughout the European Community

Part 145 approval is issued within Europe by the Civil Aviation Authority of each member state (we call the CAA the Competent Authority (CA).

So the approval which organisations obtain to perform maintenance on Commercial Air Transport (CAT) is called EASA Part 145 approval.

Once issued a 145 approval does not expire so it is important that it is managed safely and correctly. The Accountable Manager is responsible for this compliance.

Aviation SMS Foundation with VO

This course delivers one of the best fundamental SMS introductions available. Building on the importance for all members of the organisation to be able to engage with the SMS.

The course provides an understanding of the basic philosophy of how we should interact with the organization's Safety Management System (SMS) dealing with the challenge is understanding how we should interact - this varies across the business depending on our roles and responsibilities within the organisation.

This presentation provides a detailed introduction at foundation level and is suitable for all employees both existing and new.

Aviation FOD Awareness Training

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) each year costs the aviation industry many millions of dollars. In the vicinity of aircraft FOD has the potential to cause problem to the aircraft with the possibility of being ingested into the aircraft engine, which can result in damage to the aircraft or cause an accident.

FOD Removal is an ICAO Requirement ! ICAO Annex 14 (Chapter 10, paragraph 10.2.1) states that "The surface of pavements (runways, taxiways, aprons and adjacent areas) shall be kept clear of any loose stones or other objects that might cause damage to aircraft structures or engines, or impair the operation of aircraft systems."

The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the dangers which are faced due to Foreign Object Debris and the potential for Foreign Object Damage. In particular the importance of taking responsibility and acting proactively to prevent and remove any FOD observed.

Aircraft Inspection Techniques For CAT A (Initial) with VO

Inspection in aviation is mainly visual, typically comprising 80% of all inspection activities and Visual Inspection forms a vital part of the many available Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) techniques where the inspector must visually assess an image of the area inspected. Visual inspection is of the greatest importance to aviation reliability, for airframes, power plants, and systems.

Performed correctly it can detect a variety of defects, from cracks and corrosion to lose
fasteners, ill-fitting doors, wear or stretching in control cables as well as damaged components.

The purpose of this training is to raise awareness regarding best practices and appropriate considerations when performing a range of maintenance inspections. the course considers best practice Inspection Techniques for Airframes, Engines & Structure as well as considers the different forms of corrosion which are typically found, Fuel System Microbiological Contamination is also considered.

Regular price of the courses when undertaken individually - 319.00 EUR.
Save 134.00 EUR with our Special Package offer, now available for 185.00 EUR.


Course type: Promo Package
Package consists of: 
Part 145 Foundation with VO
Aviation SMS Foundation with VO
Aviation FOD Awareness
Aircraft Inspection Techniques For CAT A (Initial) with VO
Price: 319.00 EUR
 185.00 EUR

Important: Once purchased the courses will be available in My Courses tab, or use the links provided on this page.