Competency Based DG Training - Processing or Accepting Goods Presented as General Cargo

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Dangerous goods are commodities that can be dangerous in specific circumstances. These materials may be transported by air only when they are properly identified, packed, marked, and labeled according to international and national regulations. Dangerous goods consist not only of obvious substances such as corrosives, explosives, and flammables but also include less apparent articles like thermometers, refrigerants, and some everyday household items such as aerosols, perfumes, and cleaning detergents.

European and international legislation requires that all aviation staff, whether directly or indirectly involved in the transport of goods classified as dangerous goods, receive training appropriate to their functions. This training course covers those staff members whose functions require them to receive Dangerous Goods Awareness training regularly. The scope and content of SofemaOnline training courses are defined in national law.


This training is based on the latest edition of the IATA DGR and is designed for the personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo. This course was developed according to the recommendations of the IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance 2023 for competency-based training and assessment. It is based on the tasks that personnel responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo would typically perform, and training and assessment are required. The training has been produced to help attendees achieve appropriate knowledge and skills in their functions specific to the transport of dangerous goods by air.


• Define dangerous goods (DG) and discover the origin of dangerous goods regulations
• Know your roles, obligations, and legal responsibilities
• Be aware of DG by accurately identifying, classifying, marking, labeling, and documenting
• Be able to recognize hidden or undeclared dangerous goods
• Contact the right people/organisation in case of emergency



1.Abbreviations & Terms
2.Dangerous Goods Incidents
3.The Basics of Dangerous Goods (Aspect 0.1)
4.General Limitations (Aspect 0.2)
5.Roles and Responsibilities (Aspect 0.3)
6.Classification & Packaging (Aspect 0.4)
7.Hazard Communication - Labelling and Marking (Aspect 0.5)
8.Emergency Response (Aspect 0.6)
9.Process/Accept Cargo other than Dangerous Goods (Aspect 3.4)
10.Collecting Safety Data (Aspect 7)


Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 1 day classroom training
Category: Dangerous Goods Awareness
Price: 82 EUR


3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5%
6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10%
11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15%
25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20%
> 50 courses/delegates - 25%

For multiple courses/users discount please contact us at [email protected]