UK CAA Part 66 Module 9 Human Factors Training for Foreign Part 145 Approval Holders aims at providing an understanding of the role of human factors in complex systems in the aviation field.
This course has been specifically developed to meet the needs of both aircraft-certifying staff and component-certifying staff and is I.A.W. UK Regulation (EU) No.1321/2014 Appendix I to Annex III ( Part-66).
"Human factors" refers to the study of human capabilities and limitations in the workplace. It is a study of human-system performance - the interaction of maintenance personnel, the equipment they use, the written and verbal procedures and rules they follow, and the environmental conditions in which they work.
It is the responsibility of everyone in the system to pay maximum attention to human factor exposure in the workplace.
The human factor field has become very popular because the civil aviation industry has become aware of the fact that most aviation accidents and incidents are determined more often by human error than by a technical fault.
This course is aimed at components, engines, and APU-certifying staff, quality managers, line and training managers, other stakeholders, and persons wishing to understand the principles of aviation human factors exposure.
On completion of the module, you will be able to sit a multiple-choice exam, and upon passing it, you will receive a certificate.
The course is focused on discussing the key elements in order to understand human performances and limitations and all the factors that can determine a certain behaviour (the Dirty Dozen).
The main objective of the course is to increase the aircraft maintenance technicians’ awareness regarding the consequences that their actions have on safety.
As a result, the aircraft maintenance technicians who have properly studied human factors will become more responsible in performing the tasks at their workplace, which will lead to risk mitigation.
1. Abbreviations 2. The Need to Take Human Factors into Account 3. Incidents Attributable to Human Factors/Human Error 4. Considering Murphy’s Law 5. Human Performance and Limitations - Vision 6. Human Performance and Limitations - Hearing 7. Human Performance and Limitations - Information Processing 8. Human Performance and Limitations - Attention and Perception 9. Human Performance and Limitations - Memory 10. Claustrophobia and Physical Access 11. Social Psychology - Responsibility both as Individuals and Within Groups 12. Social Psychology - Motivation and Demotivation 13. Social Psychology - Peer Pressure 14. Social Psychology - “Culture” Issues 15. Social Psychology - Team Working 16. Social Psychology - Management, Supervision and Leadership 17. Factors Affecting Performance - Fitness/Health 18. Factors Affecting Performance - Stress both Domestic and Work-Related 19. Factors Affecting Performance - Time Pressure and Deadlines 20. Factors Affecting Performance - Workload: Overload and Underload 21. Factors Affecting Performance - Sleep Fatigue and Shift Work 22. Factors Affecting Performance - Alcohol, Medication and Drug Abuse 23. Physical Environment - Noise and Fumes 24. Physical Environment – Illumination 25. Physical Environment - Climate and Temperature 26. Physical Environment - Motion and Vibration 27. Physical Environment - Working Environment 28. Tasks - Physical Work 29. Tasks - Repetitive Tasks 30. Tasks - Visual Inspection 31. Tasks - Complex Systems 32. Communication - Within and Between Teams 33. Communication - Work Logging and Recording 34. Communication - Keeping up to Date, Currency 35. Communication - Dissemination of Information 36. Human Error - Error Models and Theories 37. Human Error - Types of Error in Maintenance Tasks 38. Human Error - Implications of Errors – Accidents 39. Human Error - Avoiding and Managing Errors 40. Hazards in the Workplace - Recognising and Avoiding Hazards 41. Hazards in the Workplace - Dealing with Emergencies
This program is intended to provide detailed guidance, support, and understanding to enable you to pursue an UK CAA Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers License (AMEL) as a self-starter, which means you are working through the various options that provide a self-study route to obtain your AMEL qualification.
Course type: Presentation without voice over Duration equivalent to 3-day classroom training Category: UK CAA and UK Third Country Price: 182.00 EUR
3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5% 6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10% 11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15% 25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20% > 50 courses/delegates - 25%
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