Stores, Logistics & Inspection Practitioners, excel in your chosen roles with a SOL Diploma!

Stores Logistics and Inspection Practitioners excel in your chosen roles with a SOL Diploma SOLDo you want to grow professionally?

Sofema Online provides the perfect way to help stores professionals to attain a comprehensive understanding related to their role within the EASA Part 145 Organisation:

EASA Stores Logistics & Inspection Diploma

What’s included in the Diploma?

The EASA Stores Logistics & Inspection Learning Path Diploma contains the following 13 separate online courses:

>> Logistics & Stores Inspection Part 1 Introduction to an EASA-Compliant Storage System
>> Logistics & Stores Inspection Part 2 Stores Facility Management Guidance and Inspection
>> Logistics & Stores Inspection Part 3 EASA Stores Technical Procedures & Additional Training
>> EASA Part-145 Regulation EU 1321/2014 (Part 145 Initial) with VO
>> Part 145 Production Planning Foundation
>> Aircraft Technical Records
>> FAA Airworthiness Directives (AD’s)
>> Aviation SMS Foundation
>> Quality & Safety Root Cause Analysis within an EASA Environment Foundation
>> Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) with VO
>> Competency-Based DG Training – Personnel Responsible for Handling in a Warehouse, Load and Unload
>> Logistics & Stores Inspection EASA & FAA Suspect Parts Training
>> Part 145 Stores Tooling Control, Inspection Procedures & Best Practice

Each of the courses is certificated. Upon completion of them all, you will be eligible to receive a Hard Copy Diploma. See details

After successful completion of the Diploma, you will have the opportunity to start a career as:

>> Stores manager
>> Logistics manager
>> Stores Inspection manager

What responsibilities will you have in the positions above? Visit our Job Role Training Requirements page

Demonstrate that you have acquired a range of subject material knowledge related to Stores and Logistics direct and associated processes.

For further enquiries & group enrollments, contact  [email protected]