European Aviation Safety Agency 2020 CAMO Changes

camo changes2Do you know your Part CAO from Your Part CAMO?

EASA has made Significant Changes to the Continuous Airworthiness Requirements of European Aircraft effective March 2020

Introduction by Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema Aviation Services (

For many years it has been the intention of EASA to improve on the process by which General Aviation managed the Continuing Airworthiness and Maintenance of Small Private Aircraft.

Additionally, the absence of Safety Management Systems within the CAMO environment of Air Operators has been addressed (a disconnect since the requirement was identified by ICAO in Annex 8 and applicable from 2009.)

Finally the need to address Human Factors Training for Continuing Airworthiness Staff (Combined with Safety Management System Training) with the introduction of both Initial & Recurrent Training.

So what has happened?

In just a few words:

  • ○ The introduction of a Light Aircraft Version of Part M – called Part ML
  • ○ The Creation of a combined Maintenance / CAMO Approval for none Air Carriers & Non-large Aircraft (Not -Complex Motor Powered Aircraft CMPA) – Called Part CAO  (Combined Airworthiness Organisation)

Note 1: CAO Organisations may hold either a Combined approval or elect to have only a single element
Note 2: Part ML contains no Safety Management (SMS) or Human Factor Training - (HF) requirements - nor does it contain any reference to quality audit systems (However Quality Assurance Auditing will be found in Part CAO but still no requirement for SMS)

  • ○ The introduction of a new approval which will replace Part M Subpart G Approval called Part-CAMO
  • ○ The requirement to include a Management & Safety Management System similar in function to that with which we are familiar with in 965/2012 Operations Regulations
  • ○ The need to introduce a dedicated and combined Human Factors & SMS Combined Initial & Recurrent Training Course
  • ○ Transition currently underway and completes in September 2021 after which there will be no more Part M Subpart G or Part M Subpart F Approval.

What Does Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) & Sofema Online (SOL) Offer?

To support our clients in General Aviation, Commercial Aviation as well as Air Carriers we have created a package of training courses that covers all elements and aspects of the new Continuing Airworthiness Management Environment.

We are pleased to offer as either Classroom, Webinar, or Online training the following courses:

a) EASA Part ML – 1 Day
b) EASA Part CAO – 2 Days
c) EASA Part CAMO – 1 Day
d) SMS for Part CAMO – 1 Day
e) HF&SMS Initial course for Continuing Airworthiness Staff – 3 Days
f) Part M 2020 – 2 Days

Next Steps

If you would like more information on any of the above please see the websites or or email [email protected] or [email protected]