The 145 Stores Management and Inspection System is an essential element of the 145 approval. It must be managed and staffed by trained and competent staff.
This training is designed to cover specific elements that are essential to the effective management and operation of a fully compliant store and to provide attendees with a fundamental understanding of FAA logistics regulatory awareness.
It will provide a regulatory and industry perspective for staff involved in store management and receipt inspection and develop the attendee’s understanding of airworthiness and receipt certification principles, including electrostatic inspection and managing a tool and calibration store.
The course covers in detail all essential elements to ensure the highest level of understanding to support the effective management of competence within the materials and logistics environment.
The course is designed for individuals and organizations in the aviation industry who work as aviation logistics and material specialists and require a detailed understanding of FAA regulations pertaining to their roles.
It is particularly beneficial for professionals involved in logistics management, material planning, procurement, warehousing, and distribution within the aviation sector.
a) Be able to explain the regulations that cover FAA Part 145 and Part 21 related to the acceptance and certification of aviation parts and materials
b) Understand the regulatory process for staff involved in the store environment
c) Understand the process of managing documentation related to airworthiness and receipt certification principles
d) Understand the principles of electrostatic inspection
e) Review the problems associated with suspect and bogus parts
1. Abbreviations - Terms - Definitions 2. Regulatory Basics of Aviation - ICAO Annexes Introduction & Overview 3. FAA Regulatory Introduction FAR 21, FAR 145 & FAR 43 4. Documentation for Maintenance 5. Regulatory and Manufacturer Documents 6. AMM/CMM/IPC Checking Status & Applicability 7. ATA 100 Standard - Introduction - Typical ATA chapters 8. Airworthiness Directives Introduction FAA 9. Service Bulletins - TCH & OEM (Vendor SBs) 10. Aircraft Material Knowledge 11. Introduction to Aircraft Material & Traceability & Classification 12. Consumable Material Certifications 13. Eligibility, Quality and Identification of Aeronautical Replacement Parts (Approved Parts) 14. Supplemental Type Certificate Holder (STCH) 15. Parts Manufacture Authority (PMA) 16. Technical Standard Order (TSO) 17. Identifying Unapproved Parts 18. Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) FAA & EASA 19. Introduction & Overview FAA, EASA, Authorized Release Certificate 20. Managing Tooling and Equipment 21. Calibration and Traceability of Tools and Equipment 22. Alternate Parts Approval 23. Developing an Inspection System Plan/Controlling a Calibration Program 24. Electro Static Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Introduction 25. Differences between Electro Static Discharge (ESD) and Electrical Over-Stress (EOS) 26. ESD Failure Conditions 27. ESD Identification Packaging Plan & Packaging Marking 28. Materials and equipment used in the ESD protection system
- To provide delegates with a detailed practical understanding of the FAA regulatory requirements to manage and develop an aviation store
- To develop a detailed understanding of the various processes and procedures for staff involved in store management and receipt inspection
- To provide the attendees with an understanding of FAA airworthiness and receipt certification principles, including electrostatic inspection
- To review the problems associated with suspect parts and where to verify their status
Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration equivalent to 4-day classroom training Category: FAA - UAE - OTAR & General Price: 225.00 EUR
3 to 5 courses/delegates - 5% 6 to 10 courses/delegates - 10% 11 to 24 courses/delegates - 15% 25 to 49 courses/delegates - 20% > 50 courses/delegates - 25%
For multiple courses/users discounts, please contact us at [email protected] |