Concerning Qualifications of Personnel FAA Part 145 Organisation Requirements
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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the requirements related to manpower within the FAR 145 Organisation
Introduction - FAR 145 Subpart D - Personnel
Each certificated repair station must:
>> Designate a repair station employee as the accountable manager;
>> Provide qualified personnel to plan, supervise, perform, and approve for return to service the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations performed under the repair station certificate and operations specifications;
>> Ensure it has a sufficient number of employees with the training or knowledge and experience in the performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations authorized by the repair station certificate and operations specifications to ensure all work is performed in accordance with part 43; and
>> Determine the abilities of its noncertificated employees performing maintenance functions based on training, knowledge, experience, or practical tests.
Supervisory personnel requirements
>> Ensure “sufficient” supervisors:
o The supervisors must oversee the work performed (including those unfamiliar);
o Each supervisor must (If employed by a repair station) located outside the United States.
>> Have a minimum of 18 months of practical experience in the work being performed; or
>> Be trained in or thoroughly familiar with the methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools used to perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations.
Note: A certificated repair station must ensure its supervisors understand, read, and write English.
Inspection personnel requirements
>> Thoroughly familiar with the applicable regulations in this chapter and with the inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools used to determine the airworthiness of the article on which maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations are being performed; and
>> Proficient in using the various types of inspection equipment and visual inspection aids appropriate for the article being inspected.
Note: A certificated repair station must ensure its inspectors understand, read, and write English.
Personnel authorized to approve an article for return to service
>> A certificated repair station located outside the United States must ensure each person authorized to approve an article for return to service under the repair station certificate and operations specifications is –
o Trained in or has 18 months practical experience with the methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools used to perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations; and
o Thoroughly familiar with the applicable regulations in this chapter and proficient in the use of the various inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools appropriate for the work being performed and approved for return to service.
Note: A certificated repair station must ensure each person authorized to approve an article for return to service understands, reads, and writes English.
Records of Management, Supervisory, and Inspection Personnel
>> A certificated repair station must maintain and make available to the FAA:
o A roster of management and supervisory personnel.
o A roster with the names of all inspection personnel.
o A roster of personnel authorized to sign a maintenance release for approving a maintained or altered article for return to service.
>> A summary of the employment of each individual whose name is on the personnel rosters (to show compliance with the experience requirements:
o Present title.
o Total years of experience and the type of maintenance work performed.
o Past relevant employment with names of employers and periods of employment,
o Scope of present employment, and
o The type of mechanic or repairman certificate held and the ratings on that certificate, if applicable.
Note: Within 5 business days of the change, the rosters required by this section must reflect changes caused by termination, reassignment, change in duties or scope of assignment, or addition of personnel.
Training requirements
>> A certificated repair station must have and use an employee training program approved by the FAA that consists of initial and recurrent training.
>> An applicant for a repair station certificate must submit a training program for approval by the FAA (145.51(a)(7))
>> The training program must ensure each employee assigned to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations, and inspection functions is capable of performing the assigned task.
>> Documented Training Records Acceptable to the FAA - training records must be retained for a minimum of 2 years.
Note: A certificated repair station must submit revisions to its training program to its responsible Flight Standards office (145.209(e))
Hazardous materials training
>> A repair station employee may not perform or directly supervise a job function listed in § 121.1001 or § 135.501 for, or on behalf of the part 121 or 135 operator including loading of items for transport on an aircraft operated by a part 121 or part 135 certificate holder unless that person has received training in accordance with the part 121 or part 135 operator's FAA approved hazardous materials training program.
Content ref MAG Change 8 - Qualifications of Personnel
>> The name, title, telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of the person who will act as the liaison between the organization and the AA. This liaison will ensure compliance with the provisions of the supplement.
>> The procedures the organization uses to ensure that its personnel have been properly trained and qualified to perform work in accordance with the customer or air carrier or operator requirements (e.g., procedures such as RII). It is the responsibility of the repair station to assure that these requirements are met.
>> The procedures the organization uses to ensure that its employees, contractors, and subcontractors have received initial and recurrent training in the transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with ICAO standards. This requirement is applicable if the AMO is involved with the transportation of dangerous goods, including shipping and receiving of such items. If the AMO is involved in the loading of dangerous goods on a U.S. air carrier’s or operator’s aircraft, the AMO’s employees must be trained in accordance with the air carrier’s or operator’s hazardous materials training program.
The procedures the organization will use to ensure that the following personnel can read, write, and understand English:
>> Those approving an aeronautical product for release or return to service; and
>> Those responsible for the supervision or final inspection of work on a U.S.-registered aircraft or foreign-registered aircraft operating under the provisions of 14 CFR, or article to be installed on them.
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