Fire Safety Introduction

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SofemaOnline ( takes a look at fire safety.

Understanding simple rules can help us to do the right thing when we are faced with a Fire Emergency.

Ensuring Fire safety means understanding the set of practices which are intended to reduce the exposure to the risk of Fire under any circumstances.

Fire safety measures include all activities and behaviours which are intended to prevent the possibility of an uncontrolled fire.

Threats to fire safety are commonly referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a situation that increases the likelihood of a fire or may impede escape in the event a fire occurs.

Should I Attempt to Fight the Fire­

Before deciding to fight a fire, keep in mind that even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there may be something in the fire which is going to explode or produce highly toxic smoke.

Whilst you may know what is burning, if there is any doubt let the first responders/professionals deal with it.

The time to use an extinguisher is in the very beginning, stages of a fire. If the fire is already spreading quickly, it is best to simple evacuate the building, closing doors and windows behind you as you leave.

Rules for Fighting Fires

1. Fires can quickly become very dangerous and you should always take care not to endanger yourself or others when attempting to put out a fire. (Life is always more important than property.)

Never fight a fire when you do not know what is burning - It is important to understand the need to choose the correct extinguisher - If you don't know what is burning, then you cannot know what type of extinguisher to use

Make sure that you follow the fire reporting procedures (even if you believe the fire is out).

Only use a fire extinguisher if the fire is very small and you know how to do it safely and understand the use of the appropriate extinguisher.

2. Sound the Alarm, If you discover or suspect a fire, sound the fire alarm. Call the emergency services and provide as much information as possible

If there is no alarm then warn as many people as possible by raising awareness, knocking on doors and shouting but not at the expense of personal risk

3. Exit the building as soon as possible

4. Only attempt to rescue others if you can do so safely

5. Move away from the building and keep out of the way of first responders and fire department

6. Never re-enter until advised to do so! (Total and immediate evacuation is always the safest action)

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Tagged in: Emergency Fire Safety