Requirements for Completion of Post De-icing/Anti-icing - Check of the Following Elements
- Hits: 2560
An aeroplane shall not be dispatched after a de-icing/anti-icing operation until the aeroplane has received the following visual check by a trained and qualified person.
» This check shall cover wings, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, and fuselage.
» This check shall also include any other parts of the aeroplane on which a de-icing/anti-icing treatment was performed according to the requirements identified during the contamination check.
» The check shall be performed from points offering sufficient visibility of all prescribed surfaces (e.g. from the de-icer itself or other equipment suitable for gaining access).
Note 1: Any contamination found, shall be removed by further de-icing/anti-icing treatment and the check repeated.
Communication to Flt Crew - Before take-off, the Commander must ensure that he has received confirmation that this Post De-icing/Anti-icing Check has been accomplished.
Note 2: For specific aeroplane types, additional requirements exist e.g. special clear ice checks, such as tactile checks on wings.
Note 3: These special checks are not covered by the Post De-icing/Anti-icing Check. Aeroplane operators shall make arrangements for suitably qualified personnel to meet these requirements.
» The operator remains responsible for the requirements related to the De-Icing/Anti-Icing procedures – any special requirements should be identified, communicated and where necessary the “Sub Contractor” Trained.
Sub Contractor Responsibilities related to Pre De-icing/ Anti-icing Inspection & Post De-icing/ Anti-icing Check.
» Where the de-icing provider is carrying out the de-icing/anti-icing process and also the Post De-icing/ Anti-icing Check, it may either be performed as a separate check or incorporated into the de-icing operation as defined below.
» The de-icing provider shall specify the actual method adopted, where necessary by the customer, in his winter procedures:
o As the de-icing/anti-icing operation progresses the De-icing Operator will closely monitor the surfaces receiving treatment, in order to ensure that all forms of frost, ice, slush or snow (with the possible exception of frost, which may be allowed) are removed and that, on completion of the treatment, these surfaces are fully covered with an adequate layer of an anti-icing fluid.
» Once the operation has been completed, the De-icing Operator will carry out a close visual check of the surface where treatment commenced, in order to ensure it has remained free of contamination (this procedure is not required under ‘frost only’ conditions).
» Where the request for de-icing/anti-icing did not specify the fuselage, it shall also receive a visual check at this time, in order to confirm that it has remained free of contamination (with the possible exception of frost which may be allowed)
» Any evidence of contamination that is outside the defined limits shall be reported to the Commander immediately.
Pre-take off Check
The Commander shall continually monitor the weather conditions after the performed de-icing/anti-icing treatment.
» Prior to taking off, he shall assess whether the applied holdover time is still appropriate and/or if untreated surfaces may have become contaminated.
» This Check is normally performed from inside the flight deck.
Pre-take off Contamination Check
» This is a check of the critical surfaces for contamination.
» This check shall be performed when the condition of the critical surfaces of the aeroplane cannot be effectively assessed by a pre-takeoff check or when the applied holdover time has been exceeded.
o This check is normally performed from outside the aeroplane.
The alternate means of compliance to a pre-takeoff contamination check is a complete de-icing/anti-icing re-treatment of the aeroplane.
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