Are you an Aviation Professional? Do you have a Career Learning Path Plan?

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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the merits of taking control of your learning journey


So let’s take this challenge head-on and accept that you deserve a clear and well-understood path to deliver the outcomes to which you aspire.

You Owe Yourself a Career Path Plan

Are you seeing the benefits of a carefully constructed career path plan (Is it supported by your employer (not a requirement but certainly a major positive if your employer is supportive of your career aspirations). Be assured that creating a career path plan is an essential element to support your lifelong career objectives.

Employer or Employee?

If you are going to be successful you and not your employer needs to take control of your educational journey (any training provided by your employer is a bonus and should be considered in this context)

What is involved in the process of building your plan?

Plan now for your “wished for” career development within your organization (or to imagine where you would like to be in 5 years’ time) – be honest and practical

o   Take the time to understand what is required to progress laterally or vertically within the current organization

o   What knowledge will be required,

o   What skills need to be developed,

o   Ideal Personal Characteristics,

o   Experience

Write to Yourself

Take the time to put in writing your career path plan. (even when it may also exist as a part of the organization's oversight process)

» Remember “you” own your plan
» Take the responsibility for sourcing a mentor
» Apply for relevant internal job openings
» Continue to pursue the skills and experience necessary for you to achieve your goals.
» Never forget that no other person this significant fact: you own your career path plan. No one will ever care as much as you do.

What is a Performance Appraisal?

Within the certain organization, an employer who recognizes the value of a well educated and competent employee will support performance-driven development planning (PDDP)

PDDP enables a documented process which is, shared with HR & Line Management and ideally periodically reviewed – 6 monthly is ideal.

Final Comments

Career development is your own personal task however there is no shortage of career professionals, or of course you may research online. A carefully thought through career path plan provides for a positive approach and as a result, typically provides an improved work experience

Grow your knowledge with Sofema Online Learning Diploma

The Sofema Online Learning Diploma is the perfect way to demonstrate to your employer or future employer that you have achieved a basic understanding of the subject matter across a range of related topics. 

» Demonstrate your Regulatory Knowledge across a wide range of related subjects
» Build competence in your chosen area
» Ideal Preparation for Career advancement
» Print multiple course completion certificates online
» Receive Your Hard Copy Diploma worldwide on completion
» Enjoy a substantial discount 

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