Considerations Related to EASA Certificates of Airworthiness (C of A) and Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness (RC of A)

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Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the requirements related to compliance with EASA Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 Part 21 Subpart H 21.A.171 Scope.


Airworthiness Certificates are issued in accordance with 21.A.172 Eligibility

       » Any natural or legal person under whose name an aircraft is registered or will be registered in a Member State (‘Member State of registry’), or its representative, shall be eligible as an applicant for an airworthiness certificate for that aircraft under this Subpart. 21.A.173 Classification.

Airworthiness certificates shall be classified as follows:

       » Certificates of airworthiness shall be issued to aircraft which conform to a type certificate that has been issued in accordance with this Annex I (Part 21);
       » Restricted certificates of airworthiness shall be issued to aircraft:

  o   Which conform to a restricted type-certificate that has been issued in accordance with this Annex I (Part 21); or
  o   Which have been shown to the Agency to comply with specific airworthiness specifications ensuring adequate safety. 21.A.174 Application.


       » Each application for a certificate of airworthiness or restricted certificate of airworthiness shall include:

         o   The class of airworthiness certificate applied for;
         o   With regard to new aircraft;
         o   A statement of conformity.

              •  Issued under point 21.A.163(b); or
              •  Issued under point 21.A.130 and validated by the competent authority; or
              •  For an imported aircraft, a statement signed by the exporting authority that the aircraft conforms to a design approved by the Agency;

         o   A weight and balance report with a loading schedule and;
         o   The flight manual, when required by the applicable certification specifications for the particular aircraft.

Aircraft Sourced from a Member State

       » A Member State, an airworthiness review certificate issued in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/20141.

Aircraft Sourced from a Third Country

       » A statement by the competent authority of the State where the aircraft is, or was, registered, reflecting the airworthiness status of the aircraft on its register at the time of transfer,

         o   A weight and balance report with a loading schedule,
         o   The flight manual when such a manual is required by the airworthiness code for the aircraft,
         o   Historical records to establish the production, modification, and maintenance standard of the aircraft, including all limitations associated with a restricted certificate of airworthiness issued in accordance with point 21.B.327,
         o   A recommendation for the issuance of a certificate of airworthiness or restricted certificate of airworthiness and for an airworthiness review certificate pursuant to an airworthiness review in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.

Note: Statements shall be issued no more than 60 days before the presentation of the aircraft to the competent authority of the Member State of the registry. (Unless a special agreement is in place)

Regarding Manuals & Placards Ref 21.A.175

       » The manuals, placards, listings, and instrument markings and other necessary information required by applicable certification specifications shall be presented in one or more of the official language(s) of the European Union acceptable to the competent authority of the Member State of the registry.

Amendment or Modification Ref 21.A.177

       » An airworthiness certificate may be amended or modified only by the competent authority of the Member State of the registry.

Transferability and re-issuance within the Member States – Ref 21.A.179

      » Where ownership of an aircraft has changed:

         o   If it remains on the same register, the certificate of airworthiness, or the restricted certificate of airworthiness conforming to a restricted type-certificate only, shall be transferred together with the aircraft;

       » If the aircraft is registered in another Member State, the certificate of airworthiness, or the restricted certificate of airworthiness conforming to a restricted type-certificate only, shall be issued:

         o   Upon presentation of the former certificate of airworthiness and of a valid airworthiness review certificate issued in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) or Annex Vb (Part-ML) of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014;
         o   Satisfy Language Requirements (21.A.175)

       » Where ownership of an aircraft has changed, and the aircraft has a restricted certificate of airworthiness not conforming to a restricted type-certificate, the airworthiness certificates shall be transferred together with the aircraft provided the aircraft remains on the same register or issued only with the formal agreement of the competent authority of the Member State of the registry to which it is transferred.

 Inspections (21.A.180)

The holder of the airworthiness certificate shall provide access to the aircraft for which that airworthiness certificate has been issued upon request by the competent authority of the Member State of the registry.

Duration and continued validity 21.A.181

An airworthiness certificate shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid subject to: 

       » Compliance with the applicable type-design and continuing airworthiness requirements; and
       » The aircraft remaining on the same register; and
       » The type-certificate or restricted type-certificate under which it is issued not being previously invalidated under point 21.A.51;
       » The certificate not being surrendered or revoked under point 21.B.330.

Note: Upon surrender or revocation, the certificate shall be returned to the competent authority of the Member State of the registry.

Aircraft identification 21.A.182

Each applicant for an airworthiness certificate under this Subpart shall demonstrate that its aircraft is identified in accordance with Subpart Q.

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