Developing Aviation Emergency Response Checklists
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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the use of effective checklists in support of Emergency Response Planning
No airline has sufficient resources to respond to every emergency situation independently. While it is not possible for every emergency and contingency to be anticipated and prepared for, It is still more than possible for a strong emergency preparedness program to be developed to avoid many of the common pitfalls and at the same time assist in limiting the negative impact as the event unfolds, including both liability and post-emergency issues.
The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) spends the majority of its life dormant – in fact, it is our hope and wish never to use it. However, come the day when we want to activate the ERP ( and to use it to the benefit of both the situation we are in as well as the organisation.) – We need it to be able to go from Zero to full deployment in a smooth and effective way.
It is not possible for everyone to remember their allocated emergency tasks and it is, for this reason, we use developed checklists – In simple terms to ensure that all persons who are required to engage with the ERP know what to do and when to do it.
ICAO SMS ERP Requirements
The service provider shall ensure that an emergency response plan that provides for the orderly and efficient transition from normal to emergency operations and the return to normal operations is properly coordinated with the emergency response plans of those organizations it must interface with during the provision of its services.
ERP Checklist fundamentals
Checklist # 1 ERP Initiation
Aircraft overdue with lost communication
Activation of Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
Crew Notification
Terrorist Threat / Bomb Warning – Assessed as Threat
Checklist # 2 Missing Aircraft
The process to locate the aircraft
Flight Tracking
Air Traffic Control – Contacts
Aircraft – Search Initiation & Stakeholders (Assisting Agencies)
Checklist #3 Crises Centre Activation
Calling all Crises Centre Members (Contact Sheet with phone number & critical information)
Preparing Go teams - Roles and responsibilities for personnel assigned to the Go Teams
Communication to all Emergency Stakeholders – Quality / Safety / Maintenance
Communication - Dealing with a large number of requests for information, especially during the first few hours & days after a major accident
Press Statements & Social Media
Finance / Legal & Insurance Activation (Ensuring Finance is available for all immediate requirements)
Passenger & Crew List
Subcontract Service Provider Co-Ordination
Checklist #4 Investigation
Investigation responsibilities.
Investigation team & co-ordination with relevant authorities
The utilisation of the incident investigation kit?
Checklist #5 Go Teams
Go Team Individual Checklist
Checklist #6 Arrival at Site – Additional Requirements
Instructions for securing the aircraft accident scene.
Liaison with all parties
Aircraft Access – Legal access controlled by authorities
Dealing with HAZMAT considerations
Aircraft Recovery Plan
To access additional support documents please visit SAS download area -
Next Steps
Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to ERP Training, Testing & Preparation of Process & Procedures – please see or email [email protected]