I want to develop the competence of my Part M CAMO staff. EASAonline.com - Join the E-Learning Revolution
- Hits: 2019
EASAonline.com (EOL) provides an unrivaled opportunity for your staff and employees to undertake online competence-building regulatory and vocational training via our easy-to-use online training portal. It is a fact that no other training organisation offers the depth and breadth of online CAMO-related courses than EASAOnline.com. We offer a unique online program that provides an opportunity to raise the competence levels of your employees!
Do you know your employees’ competence levels?
EASA guides respect of EASA Part 145, but this is not the complete picture - on Part M and Part 21 Subpart G, this guidance is quite minimal.
Thus, it is left to the organisation to develop appropriate Competence Management Processes. Consider this: as the regulations are sparse in several areas regulatory auditors can't identify exposures that do not relate to specific findings but at the same time hurt the organisation.
Our experience
With more than 45 years of experience behind us we know the importance of managing competence and we share passionately our view that compliance with EASA regulations should be considered as minimum compliance.
What do EOL customers tell us?
They recognize the value of fully trained and engaged employees! Employees with average skill levels and knowledge gaps are not necessarily a safety risk, however, without a doubt, they operate at a lower efficiency level and create a hidden cost to the organisation.
Any organisation considering optimizing its processes should as a matter of best practice also consider the process of managing and developing competence throughout the business.
What are the benefits of EOL training?
The EASA Regulatory environment is ever-changing and very specific. Thus it is often a challenge for the HR department to maintain an appropriate level of engagement. Using EOL to support your regulatory and vocational objectives will help you to:
- Maximize employee efficiency;
- Ensure up-to-date knowledge related to EASA regulatory changes;
- Promote internal development and competence building which leads to the organization’s organic growth;
- Raise awareness on the structure composition and impact of EASA Regulations;
- Have confidence in your organization’s full compliance and in the ability to perceive opportunities to optimize necessary processes;
- Have an in-depth understanding of the interface between the various regulatory approvals;
- Be able to use the regulation to proactively manage full compliance with all regulatory and organisational requirements.
About our online training courses
Our training courses (currently more than 60) are focused on practical engagement and relevancy to the subject matter. Within EASAonline we pride ourselves in being able to support the measurement, management, and training of competence related to both the regulatory environment and functionality within the business.