Support for Readiness Awareness - EASA Part 66 B1 & B2 Module Examinations

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By practicing your knowledge level in a given module subject with Sofema Online you are able to take personal control of your readiness and to know when you are ready for the real exam.

“Excellent Preparation for EASA Part 66 Readiness”

“It gave me the confidence to know I was ready”.

“I was able to practice and ensure I could pass through the exams in the allowed time”

What Can Sofema Online do to help ensure you are Exam Ready?

      - Sofema Online (SOL)  provides support and guidance to prospective Part 66 Maintenance Staff.

      - SofemaOnline offers Part 66 Candidates the opportunity to self-check readiness for Part 66 Modules with an opportunity to take part in an online examination experience which is timed in compliance with Part 66.

      - Exams are automatically generated from a large question pool so no two examinations are the same.

      - If you fail the exam you can resit a further 2 times without waiting. A total of 3 exams in any module is permitted (EASA requires a wait of 90 Days before you resit a module examination). 

Avoid the Risk of Unnecessary Delays when you Fail EASA Part 66 Modules Enrol for the 12 month support

       - Are you fully prepared for the Part 66 Basic Examinations?

       - Know you are  “Exam Ready” across all Modules

       - Enroll in the 12 month support tool

       - Up to 3 attempts at the exam

       - Exams are randomly configured from a dedicated question pool

Sofema Online- SOL offers real-time exam preparation in a timed environment

See here for details -

What is the Purpose of the Part 66 Exam Preparation?

The purpose is to provide confidence that you have achieved the required standard, so as not to face a formal failure and mandatory waiting period, which could be up to 1 year.
By having the assurance that you are able to achieve a satisfactory result you may enter the module exam with the confidence to succeed.

How Does the Offer Work? 

       - You have 12 months access to the package to work through & complete the different module question exams at your own pace. Once completed you lose access to the applicable module. 

       - You are given a specific time to complete the questions (exactly as you would with EASA Part 66 official examination).

       - When you complete the test, the program will grade you and advise if you have passed. 

EASA Part 66 Guidance

We aim to provide the maximum amount of support to our enrolled delegates and will stand side by side with you until you proudly achieve your EASA Part 66 AMEL.

You can download EASA Guidance Material here and read all about Part 66.
To make it easier we are pleased to offer our special publication “Going it Alone” free of charge.

If you want to ask specific questions there are 2 ways – the first is to use the dedicated email address which is provided to everyone who is enrolled on the “Going it Alone” program.The second way is to use our LinkedIn Group "SofemaOnline User Forum" to share EASA Regulatory Questions.


Please see or email [email protected]

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