UAE GCAA Parts Fabrication Process Considerations related to AMC 145.42(c)
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Sofema Online (SOL) considers the requirements to ensure compliance with UAE GCAA Regulatory requirements related to the Fabrication of Parts
The GCAA acceptance for the fabrication of parts by the approved maintenance organisation should be formalized through the approval of a detailed procedure in the Maintenance Organisation Exposition.
Note: Fabrication, inspection assembly and test should be clearly within the technical and procedural capability of the organisation;
All necessary data to fabricate the part should be approved either by the GCAA or the type certificate TC holder or CAR 21 design organisation approval holder, or supplemental type certificate STC holder;
» Items fabricated by an organisation approved under CAR-145 may only be used by that organisation in the course of overhaul, maintenance, modifications, or repair of aircraft or components undergoing work within its own facility.
» The permission to fabricate does not constitute approval for manufacture, or to supply externally and the parts do not qualify for certification on AW Form 1.
» This prohibition also applies to the bulk transfer of surplus inventory, in that locally fabricated parts are physically segregated and excluded from any delivery certification.
» Fabrication of parts, modification kits etc., for onward supply and/or sale may not be conducted by an organisation approved under CAR-145.
Fabrication Data Required
The data specified may include repair procedures involving the fabrication of parts.
» Where the data on such parts is sufficient to facilitate fabrication, the parts may be fabricated by an organisation approved under CAR-145.
» Care should be taken to ensure that the data include details of part numbering, dimensions, materials, processes, and any special manufacturing techniques, special raw material specification or/and incoming inspection requirement and that the approved organisation has the necessary capability.
» That capability should be defined by way of exposition content.
» Where special processes or inspection procedures are defined in the approved data which are not available at the organisation the organisation cannot fabricate the part unless the TC/STC holder gives an approved alternative.
Examples of fabrication under the scope of a CAR-145 approval can include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Fabrication of bushes, sleeves and shims.
(b) Fabrication of secondary structural elements and skin panels.
(c) Fabrication of control cables.
(d) Fabrication of flexible and rigid pipes.
(e) Fabrication of electrical cable looms and assemblies.
(f) Formed or machined sheet metal panels for repairs.
All the above fabricated parts should be in accordance with data provided in overhaul or repair manuals, modification schemes and service bulletins, drawings or otherwise approved by the GCAA.
Note: It is not acceptable to fabricate any item to pattern unless an engineering drawing of the item is produced which includes any necessary fabrication processes and which is acceptable to the GCAA.
Special Note: Where a TC-holder or an approved production organisation is prepared to make available complete data which is not referred to in aircraft manuals or service bulletins but provides manufacturing drawings for items specified in parts lists, the fabrication of these items is not considered to be within the scope of approval unless agreed otherwise by the GCAA in accordance with a procedure specified in the exposition.
Inspection and Identification.
Any locally fabricated part should be subjected to an inspection stage before, separately, and preferably independently from, any inspection of its installation.
» The inspection should establish full compliance with the relevant manufacturing data, and the part should be unambiguously identified as fit for use by stating conformity to the approved data.
» Adequate records should be maintained of all such fabrication processes including, heat treatment and the final inspections.
» All parts, except those having not enough space, should carry a part number which clearly relates it to the manufacturing/inspection data. Additional to the part number the organisation's identity should be marked on the part for traceability purposes.
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Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online provide Classroom, Webinar and online training for EASA, FAA as well as UAE GCAA regulations. Please see the associated website or email [email protected].