Blog posts tagged in MEDA

Considering the role of Maintenance Error Decision Aid (MEDA) within the context of an effective Maintenance Error Management System Process.

An Effective MEMS system not only provides a mechanism for conducting thorough and consistent investigations, the outcome of which identifies both the root cause and the contributing causes, related to a specific maintenance event.

Over the last decades we have come to understand that a significant number of very serious flight safety events have been caused by Maintenance Error.

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Driving Safety Management System (SMS) Value from your Aviation Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS).
Throughout our Industry we know that Maintenance Errors cost millions of Euros every year through the need for rework, delays and lost revenue. (To consider also the potential to introduce safety related exposures.)

What is MEDA?

Boeing developed the MEDA process to assist maintenance organisations identify why events occur and how to prevent them in the future.

MEDA provides a process for conducting thorough and consistent investigations, determining the factors that lead to an event and making improvements to reduce the likelihood of future incidents.

Tagged in: Error HF MEDA MEMS SMS
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To consider the differences and the advantages of bringing together the elements associated with MEDA and the analytical capacity which is available within the SMS system.

Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) which is typically represented by “Maintenance Error Decision Aid” (MEDA) as developed by Boeing is an effective way of analyzing events (initially MEDA was developed to facilitate the analysis of incidents and accidents – At the inception its use was employed where there was an adverse outcome; however it was subsequently extended and it is now typically found to be also be employed for the investigation of events.

Tagged in: MEDA MEMS Safety SMS
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