Ensuring Part CAMO Effective Safety Management System - Management of Change Process

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SofemaOnline (SOL) Considers the Key Aspects of Managing the “Management of Change” (MOC) process within the CAMO Safety Management System (SMS) Process

Introduction to SMS Management of Change within a CAMO Organisation

Unless they are properly managed, changes can expose the organisation to potentially latent hazards and risks if they are not properly and effectively managed.

Examples include:

    a) Changes to the Organisation Structure:

    b) Facilities:

    c) Scope of Work:

    d) Personnel:

    e) Documentation:

    f) Policies & Procedures:

    g) Change to the Regulations:

    h) Changes in the security arrangements;

    i) Changes in the economic situation of an organisation (e.g. commercial or financial pressure);

    j) new schedule(s), location(s), equipment, and/or operational procedures; and

    k) the addition of new subcontractors.

Responsibility for Assessing Safety Implications

Regardless of the magnitude of change, large or small, its safety implications should always be proactively considered.

This is primarily the responsibility of the team that proposes and/or implements the change. However, a change can only be successfully implemented if all the personnel affected by the change are engaged, are involved and participate in the process.

Management of Change Assessment should include:

a) Magnitude of a Change

b) Safety Criticality

c) Potential Impact on Human Performance

Framework for Analysis

The Change Management Process should ensure that any hazards associated with the change are formally and systematically identified and managed and that a formal process exists to ensure the management of the change is continually evaluated and monitored.

The process for the management of change typically provides principles and a structured framework for managing all aspects of the change.

Disciplined application of the management of change can maximize the effectiveness of the change, engage the staff, and minimize the risks that are inherent in a change.

The introduction of a change is the trigger for the organisation to perform their hazard identification and risk management process.

Effective Management of Change Should be Supported by the Following:

Implementation of a process for formal hazard identification/risk assessment for major operational changes, major organisational changes, changes in key personnel, and changes that may affect the way continuing airworthiness management is carried out.

Identification of changes that are likely to occur in business which would have a noticeable impact on:

(i) Resources — Material and Human:

(ii) Management Direction — policies, processes, procedures, training; and

(iii) Management Control:

Iv) Safety cases/risk assessments that are aviation-safety focused.

Note 1 - The involvement of key stakeholders in the change management process as appropriate.

Note 2 - During the management of the change process, previous risk assessments, and existing hazards are reviewed for possible effects.

Considering Human & Human Interface Issues

A change may have the potential to introduce new or to exacerbate pre-existing, HF issues.

The purpose of integrating HF into the management of change is to minimize potential risks by specifically considering the impact of the change on the people within a system.

Special consideration, including any HF issues, should be given to the ‘transition period’.

In addition, the activities utilized to manage these issues should be integrated into the change management plan.

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services SAS (www.sassofia.com) and SofemaOnline (SOL) (www.sofemaonline.com) provide Classroom, Webinar & Online Training Courses specifically focused on the needs of the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) and Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO).

For details please see the websites or email [email protected] or [email protected].


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