Introduction to role of EASA Operational Suitability Data (OSD)

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Easy Access Rules for Airworthiness and Environmental Certification (Regulation (EU) No 748/2012)
Sofema Online (SOL) reviews the control process and available data supporting OSD.


The EC published on 27 January 2014 a new requirement in certification - “Operational Suitability Data” (OSD), mandating that aircraft manufacturers, including those building helicopters, submit data EASA considers important for safe operations.

OSD covers the following:

       »  Pilot training,
       »  Maintenance Staff Qualification
       »  Simulator Qualification
       »  The master minimum equipment list (MMEL);
       »  (Possibly other areas, depending on the aircraft’s systems.)

The process begins when the aircraft manufacturer proposes what data EASA will evaluate against the new rule for approval.

OSD is approved as part of the type certificate like the airplane flight manual.
       »  Since the holder of the type certificate is the owner of OSD, the manufacturer has to keep the data current.

Users affected by the new rule (operators and training organisations) will find that OSD has both mandatory and recommended elements and NOTE the following from EASA - “national aviation authorities will determine whether users must comply with a recommendation.”

Pilot qualification is at the heart of OSD.

       »  It defines a minimum syllabus for a type rating, as well as training areas of special emphasis.
       »  A suite of regulatory-driven DATA requirements issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency EASA.

The following is a direct quote - “not interpretation” from EASA.

The principle of Operational Suitability Data (OSD) is that the aircraft manufacturers are required to establish certain data that is considered important for the safe operation of the aircraft type. This data will be approved by the Agency under the type certificate and is then used by operators and training organisations.

The data consists of 5 elements:

1. the master minimum equipment list (MMEL);
2. data for training of pilots;
3. data for cabin crew;
4. data for training of maintenance crew; and
5. data for the qualification of simulators.

The OSD concept is not entirely new; it succeeds the Operational Evaluation Board (OEB) that already existed in the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA).

The OEB was applied on a voluntary basis and resulted in recommendations to the national Aviation Authorities for the approval of pilot type rating training courses and minimum equipment lists (MEL).
       »  The novelty with OSD is that it is mandatory for the aircraft designers, ensuring that the data is available to the operators when needed.
       »  The OSD is the reference point for the customised training courses and MEL as developed by operators and training organisations.

The OSD is expected to contribute to closing the gap between airworthiness and operations.

This will be the case not only for new types but also for changed designs. OSD will also be subject to continuous improvements. Furthermore, it will set a level playing field in the EU for type training and MEL.

OSD is the driver for amendments to several implementing rules and a series of new Certification Specifications (CS).
The amendments to Part-21 and the OPS and Licensing implementing rules were published by the European Commission on 27 January 2014.
The CSs for Flight Crew Data, Cabin Crew Data, and MMEL as well as new guidance material to Part-21 was published shortly after that.
The CS for simulator data will be published within the next weeks and the CS for maintenance certifying staff data is still under development.
The relevant Design Organisation Approvals have to be updated to include OSD effective the end of 2015.
Operators and training organisations will have to implement OSD in their training and they have two years after the OSD becomes available from the aircraft designer.
The OSD is a proportionate rule. It mainly applies to large aircraft and where it affects small aircraft the Agency has developed detailed guidance to facilitate compliance.

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services ( and Sofema Online ( provide EASA Regulatory Compliant and Vocational training including more than 20 courses specifically related to Part 21 / CS 25 - for details please see the websites or email [email protected]

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