Sofema Online (SOL) considers typical auditing elements across multiple business areas and elements. The following issues and challenges are considered for each element.
>> Related to the effectiveness of ensuring EASA compliance as per EASA and ICAO requirements, certified aerodromes shall demonstrate and continually monitor compliance with the requirements through audits and inspections.
Ensuring Best Practices related to EASA-compliant Auditing and Oversight of European airports.
EASA-compliant auditing and oversight are multi-faceted processes that require a comprehensive approach. Regular audits, continuous training, and a proactive approach to safety and compliance are essential for ensuring effective and compliant aerodrome operations in Europe.
Sofema Online (SOL) considers the key aspects of an Aviation Instructors Learning Path.
Please Lets have a clear understanding here because it is important to understand that a 5 day Train the Trainer course does not “Deliver” us as a trainer and clearly we would be naïve if we were to believe this to be so.
So we are on a Journey of Discovery – How to become Strong & Effective Instructors, Trainers & Mentors?
Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the value of the Freedom Pass Program.
SOL is a web-based online training platform focused on delivering high quality online regulatory and vocational courses in the field of aviation, compliant within the scope of EASA, FAA, and other regulatory environments, together with additional competence building courses to provide for vocational training within the scope of the applicable regulatory environment.
Easy Access Rules for Airworthiness and Environmental Certification (Regulation (EU) No 748/2012) Sofema Online (SOL) reviews the control process and available data supporting OSD.
The EC published on 27 January 2014 a new requirement in certification - “Operational Suitability Data” (OSD), mandating that aircraft manufacturers, including those building helicopters, submit data EASA considers important for safe operations.
OSD covers the following:
» Pilot training, » Maintenance Staff Qualification » Simulator Qualification » The master minimum equipment list (MMEL); » (Possibly other areas, depending on the aircraft’s systems.)
All EASA Approvals typically provide an independent Quality Assurance Function (EASA Part 21J requires a design assurance system)
The next comment is to consider the EASA “take” on QA & QC (A Quality System Contains Both). QC is embedded in every aspect and element of the Production Process.
The primary objective of EASA Compliant Quality Auditing is to ensure both external and internal compliance with regulatory and organisational procedures.
We have many secondary objectives which are typically organisationally driven rather than EASA-driven. (Nevertheless, such elements provide an indication of the intent and effectiveness of the organisation.)
An example of a secondary objective would be a demonstration of continuous improvement – which would mean a reduction in findings over time for a consistent level of auditing activity.