Public Speaking Presentation Checklist

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Presented by SofemaOnline (

Please use the following information to prepare for your presentation. Carefully read through the comments and choose the ones which are relevant to your expectations.

The goal is to make your presentation not only stand out and impress, but to flow and  enable you to fully engage with the audience.

1. Related to the Preparation of Your Presentation

Are you knowledgeable about the topic covered in your presentation?

Have you completed and checked your material preparation?

Are the visual aids easy to read and easy to understand, are you familiar with the integration of visual aids into presentation?

Now review the contents together with the purpose of the presentation – to make sure it follows a logical order with a strong close.

Does your introduction grab participants' attention and explain your objectives?

Have you looked in details at who is your audience?

Still with the audience – Do you know what the audience is expecting?

Does your closing summarize the presentation clearly and concisely? 

2. Related to the Preparation of the Delivery of the Presentation 

Think about the possible questions you may receive and prepare your answers.

Practice the presentation, out loud and standing.

Have your presentation timed out.

If relevant decide what materials will be handed to the audience.

Prepare notes or an outline for the presentation.

Confirm what audio/visual equipment will be available.

Practice your speech pay close attention to your body language, even your posture, both of which will be assessed by the audience.

 3. Preparations and Actions on Delivery Day

 Arrive early for the presentation and ensure you are familiar with the location.

Check the Audio-Visual equipment is functioning correctly.

Be smart & well-groomed in keeping with the audience's expectations. (Make sure your phone is off)

Do you have water? 

4. Ready to Start

Arrange for someone to introduce you. Have you met the person who is introducing you? Does that person have an introduction (that you’re provided) ready to go?

Check your computer – is the speech loaded and ready to go?

Have a back-up plan – as a minimum to have all your material available on a flash drive.

Include an overview of the presentation so that the audience is familiar with what is coming.

Speak loudly enough and slowly enough.

Ensure you make eye contact with the audience. (Most Important)

Try to avoid slide reading and do not forget to add humour whenever possible and to know when to stop talking.

Sofema Aviation Services and SofemaOnline offer classroom and online training in Aviation Leadership. For details please see the website or email or

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