Blog posts tagged in KPI

Sofema Online ( considers the role and purpose of Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) - Safety Performance Indicators (SPI) within an EASA Part 21 G Organisation.

Introduction – Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Typically measures how well your operation is doing at achieving its maintenance goals, for example reducing downtime or costs. KPIs can be used as a benchmark to understand your organisations current position as well as to facilitate the development of Key Performance goals.

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It is not uncommon for the operator to require the CAMO to maintain the reliability program to essentially demonstrate the minimum compliance of the regulatory requirements. Missing the opportunity to foster a genuine desire to engage with a serious investigate process related to the understanding of negative trends and take efficient corrective measures.

Possibly a major reason for this behaviour is related to a lack of understanding by the operator regarding the philosophical reasons related to the effective implementation of a fully active statistical process control. Unfortunately, the focus is on “living and surviving from day to day” solving problems without spending sufficient time on dealing with the underlying causes.

The benefit of a fully integrated Reliability program is that it does not over react to single events rather the focus moves to trends and system related problems.

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