Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.comconsiders the requirements to ensure compliance with - GM1 ATM/ANS.OR.B.005 Management system (ED Decision 2020/008/R)
Definitions and Concept of a Management System
ISO 9000 series of standards define a management system as a 'set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish policy and objectives and to achieve those objectives'.
Another available definition of management system is the following: ‘The structure, processes and resources needed to establish an organisation's policy and objectives and to achieve those objectives.'
Traditionally, separate management systems were developed to address issues such as safety, quality, environment, health and safety, finance, human resources, information technology and data protection. However, it is foreseen that more and more the services providers will establish integrated management systems following the harmonised set of requirements in this Regulation.
Measuring the effectiveness of your company's quality system should be an essential element of the management of your overall quality management system strategy.
The process starts with a review of the organizational QMS policy together with a detailed gap analysis to assess full compliance with all regulatory obligations.
Having established regulatory compliance a further measure for assessing the strength of QMS is to employ a formal “internal” compliance audit process which will be set against an expected organisational standard.
Sofema Aviation Services ( takes a look “under the hood” of EASA Compliant Quality Auditing Derived Data.
Effective Quality Management ensures that the organization's products and services are able to continue to meet internal company, client and all “Regulatory Requirements”. Quality Assurance is the means by which the quality management process can be focused on providing confidence that all quality requirements will be fulfilled.
Are you happy that as an Organisation you have assessed the Risk and exposure across the business to reduce it to its minimum exposure within the context of the organisations “reasonable” expectations (Here we reference the term as low as reasonably practicable ALARP)?
Are you happy with the level of reporting within the organisation? Not just the events, which have happened but also the “nearly events” how are you measuring the effectiveness of your internal reporting system?
As a general guy for every Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR) or Service Difficulty Report (SDR).