Aviation Leadership Development – Considering Conflict in the Workplace and Conflict Management

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Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com considers the best practices to achieve the desired outcome when dealing with Workplace Conflict & Conflict Management within an Aviation Environment.

Leadership Considerations

  • Leadership is a process whereby an individual influence a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.
  • Leadership can also be characterized as the ability to inspire trust, build relationships, encourage followers.

Introduction – What do we Mean by Conflict?

Conflict is something that may occur between individual people or within various groups in all kinds of business situations.

Even it could be said that a degree of conflict is positive because a total lack of conflict could be an indicator of an absence of effective interaction.

Because conflict can result in emotions that can make a situation uncomfortable, it is often avoided.

We can experience feelings such as guilt, anger, anxiety, and even fear this can often become the reason for individuals to try to avoid it.

Defining Conflict

What is conflict? - Conflict can mean different things to different people, therefore it is somewhat difficult to come up with a universal or true definition. However, for our purpose conflict can be described as a disagreement among two parties that may even be portrayed by a degree of hostility.

Conflict can also occur at different levels of the human experience, which include: interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and intragroup conflict levels.

Even we could have a situation when one side may feel that they are in a conflict situation, whilst the other side may see it as a simple discussion only concerning differing opinions.

Types of Conflict

Economic Conflict -This type of conflict typically occurs when the behavior and emotions of each party are aimed at increasing their own gain. (In the context of Business Area or Business Objectives for example allocation of the Organisations Funds)

Value Conflict  Essentially this is a fundamental incompatibility in the ways of doing business based on ideologies and principles. This type of conflict can be very difficult to resolve because the differences are belief-based and not fact-based.

Power Conflict - Typically occurs when each party is trying to exert and maintain its maximum influence within either a business relationship or social setting.

To be successful this requires, one party must be stronger (in terms of influence) than the other.  This conflict is evident when one party chooses to take a powerful approach to the relationship.

Conflict Management is a Skill

Not only is Conflict management skill it is one that we as leaders or aspiring leaders must be able to employ!

Without the ability to deal with conflict we will undoubtedly experience negative outcomes. It is important to understand that we can reach positive outcomes through effective conflict management and resolution.

If we can view conflict as an opportunity for learning and development we have an opportunity to drive towards positive outcomes.

Next Steps

Sofema Online offers the opportunity to enroll in Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development Diploma – see here for details.

For further guidance or if you have a question please email [email protected]

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