Blog posts tagged in AMC

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the requirements introduced following the release of Annex VI to ED Decision 2023/010/R ‘AMC and GM to Part-145 — Issue 2, Amendment 6’


According to EASA  - The current European aviation safety regulatory framework contains a series of requirements which are aimed at reducing the likelihood of an accident happening.

Hits: 656

General Overview of Changes to GCAA CAR 145 presented by Sofema Online (SOL) 

This revision of Gulf Civil Aviation Authority Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs) - CAR V - Airworthiness Regulations contains multiple changes and the following is a summary only – for full details please see the specific content.

UAE GCC CAR 145 sets out the requirements for the maintenance organization's approval of an aircraft or aircraft component. The regulation ensures that the maintenance organization has the appropriate procedures, equipment, personnel, and facilities to perform maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft or aircraft components in compliance with applicable airworthiness requirements.

Hits: 1775

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the regulatory requirements related to the management of Defect Control & Reliability.

Introduction – AMC M.A.301(b) Continuing airworthiness tasks (ED Decision 2020/002/R)

» The operator should have a system to ensure that all defects affecting the safe operation of the aircraft are rectified within the limits prescribed by the approved minimum equipment list (MEL), configuration deviation list (CDL) or maintenance data, as appropriate.
» Also, that such defect rectification cannot be postponed unless agreed by the operator and in accordance with a procedure approved by the competent authority.

Hits: 1462

Sofema Online (SOL) reviews the applicable material related to EASA Initial Certification.


EASA Part 21 regulates the approval of aircraft design and production organisations and the certification of aircraft Products, Parts and Appliances.

AMC & GM 14/07/2021 AMC & GM to Part 21 — Issue 2, Amendment 13
Reference - Issue 2 (full) originally dated 30/10/2012 (AMC & GM to Part 21 — Issue 2) with 13 amendments.

Hits: 2630

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Sofema Aviation Services provides clarification regarding the various terms used to describe the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) rulemaking.

Introduction - Here’s a quick self-check!

Can you explain the difference between a “Decision” and an “Opinion”? (If, like many of Sofema delegates, you are not so sure, then you are in good company.)

Here we take a look at some of the common terms and explain what the differences are.

Can EASA Interpret EU Law?

EASA is not the competent authority to interpret EU Law. The responsibility to interpret EU Law rests with the judicial system and ultimately with the European Court of Justice. EASA cannot even provide an 'authentic interpretation' (which is an official interpretation of a statute issued by the statute's legislator). 

Hits: 2242