Blog posts tagged in OEM

Sofema Online (SOL)  considers the key aspects related to ensuring aviation placards are fully compliant with the regulatory requirements and may be installed on aircraft.


As a general comment - If a company other than the OEM manufactures an item, they must identify who they are.

  • Also, to strictly adhere to the Manufacturer's design data, you would need to ensure that the information is at the latest revision and also have access to the certification data.

Here, we consider the authority of a Part 21 DOA to create a placard and annotate it with the OEM P/N. Is this acceptable for Form 1 certification, or must we go the EPA route, which means annotating with OEM P/N plus letters EPA?

Hits: 363

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the MMEL Development Process


The MMEL is a document issued by the aircraft's original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that lists equipment and systems that may be inoperative for certain flight conditions. Each item on the MMEL is associated with a specific operational procedure to ensure safety during the flight. The MMEL is a critical part of an aircraft's operational certification and is a reference for creating an airline's Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

Creating a Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for a new aircraft is a complex and lengthy process that requires a deep understanding of the aircraft's systems, operation, and safety principles. The aircraft manufacturer designs and tests the aircraft, taking into account various scenarios including situations where certain components or systems might not be operational. These tests will inform the initial draft of the MMEL.

For EASA regulatory environment we must consider Operational Suitability Data (OSD) which is a group of interconnected data elements that are necessary to demonstrate the operational suitability of an aircraft type.

The OSD is part of the aircraft type certification and includes, among other things, the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).

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Understanding PMA Parts

For over five decades, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) to third-party organizations, allowing them to produce replacement parts for aircraft. These parts are usually manufactured without the direct permission of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

Hits: 3302