Blog posts tagged in Aircraft Minimum Equipment List

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the MMEL Development Process


The MMEL is a document issued by the aircraft's original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that lists equipment and systems that may be inoperative for certain flight conditions. Each item on the MMEL is associated with a specific operational procedure to ensure safety during the flight. The MMEL is a critical part of an aircraft's operational certification and is a reference for creating an airline's Minimum Equipment List (MEL).

Creating a Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) for a new aircraft is a complex and lengthy process that requires a deep understanding of the aircraft's systems, operation, and safety principles. The aircraft manufacturer designs and tests the aircraft, taking into account various scenarios including situations where certain components or systems might not be operational. These tests will inform the initial draft of the MMEL.

For EASA regulatory environment we must consider Operational Suitability Data (OSD) which is a group of interconnected data elements that are necessary to demonstrate the operational suitability of an aircraft type.

The OSD is part of the aircraft type certification and includes, among other things, the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).

Hits: 1216

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) – Defect Control Procedure related to the treatment of MEL applicable defects.


DCE - Defect Control Engineer

Introduction - For aircraft operated with an MEL the following procedures apply:

Hits: 1501

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the basic process involved with implementation of a Defect Control process within the Maintenance Control Centre (MCC).


The complexity of the MCC Systems used to manage defects, including the organisation of rectification downtime and deferral using MEL procedures, as well as identifying and handling recurring defects will vary according to the type of aircraft operated and the size and nature of the operation.

Hits: 1246

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the best practice related to the use of the Aircraft Minimum Equipment List (MEL).


The MEL is a commonly used tool allowing for the safe and continuous operation of the aircraft until rectification of certain inoperative equipment or unavailable system functions that are not adversely affecting the airworthiness of the aircraft. Understanding the principles and rules for correctly applying MEL items is crucial for both maintenance personnel and flight crews

Hits: 2350

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the key elements related to the management of Recurrent Defects.


The complexity of the Maintenance Control Administrative system which is used to control defects, including rectification and deferral, will vary according to the type of aircraft operated and the size and nature of the operation.

The same will apply to the methodologies related to the identification & handling of recurrent defects:

Hits: 1166