Blog posts tagged in Regulatory Requirements

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the regulatory requirements related to Aerodrome Operator Management.


SUBPART D — MANAGEMENT — AERODROME OPERATORS (ADR.OR.D) ADR.OR.D.005 (Management System) Regulation (EU) No 139/2014

The aerodrome operator shall implement and maintain a management system integrating a safety management system.

The management system shall include:

>>  Clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the aerodrome operator, including a direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management;

>>  A description of the overall philosophies and principles of the aerodrome operator with regard to safety, referred to as the safety policy, signed by the accountable manager;

>>   A formal process that ensures that hazards in operations are identified;

Hits: 363

Sofema Online (SOL) reviews SMS objectives to comply with EASA Part 145 requirements.


Point 145.A.200 introduces the following as key safety management processes; these are further specified in the related AMC and GM:

» Hazard identification

» Safety risk management

Hits: 1628
  • Managing Regulatory Training Competence in an EASA Third Country 145
  • EASA Part 145 Training Courses for Regulatory Compliance

SofemaOnline (SOL) considers the course currently available which meet the objective of an Approved EASA Part 145 Organisation

Hits: 1601

Sofema Online ( considers regulatory complacencies following the introduction of the new EASA Part M requirements.

Notes Concerning Part CAMO & PART CAO

a) Part-CAMO provides requirements for Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO): compared with Part-M Subpart G organization, the main difference is the introduction of SMS principles.

b) Part-CAO provides a new set of requirements for Combined Airworthiness Organisation: such an organization may perform CAMO activities or Maintenance Organisation activities, or both, but limited to non-complex aircraft not used by a licensed air carrier.

Hits: 2020