Blog posts tagged in Reliability

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the fundamentals concerning regulatory oversight of an EASA compliant Reliability Program

 Aviation Regulatory Authorities face several challenges in auditing and ensuring effective oversight of operator Mandatory Aircraft Reliability Programs. These challenges include

>> The complexity of the programs

>> The need for specialized technical expertise

>> The limited resources of regulatory agencies

Hits: 561

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the elements involved in an effective component replacement program.


Effective management of aircraft components is an essential aspect of aircraft maintenance programs and plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of aircraft operations. Proper management of aircraft components helps to prevent unscheduled maintenance, reduce operational downtime, and ensure that aircraft systems and equipment are always in top working condition.

Hits: 1324

The purpose of a reliability program is to enable the gathering of data so we can look in detail at required procedures, responsibilities and tasks to ensure that the aircraft maintenance program tasks are effective and their periodicity is adequate.

Aircraft operability is the aircraft’s ability to meet the operational requirements in terms of operational reliability (i.e. the percentage of scheduled flights that depart and arrive without incurring a chargeable technical/operational interruption).

Hits: 2755