Blog posts tagged in Hazard

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Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the role of O&SHA as part of the Aircraft Certification Program

Introduction Evaluating an Operating and Support Hazard Analysis

The O&SHA identifies hazards/risks occurring during the use of the system. It encompasses operating the system (primarily procedural aspects) and the support functions (e.g., maintenance, servicing, overhaul, facilities, equipment, training) that go along with operating the system.

Hits: 779

Sofema Online (SOL) considers a brief summary of what each element of the required Safety Management System will be documented within the Maintenance Organisation MOE.

Introduction – Consider the following elements (required)

>> 3.1 Hazard identification and safety risk management schemes
>> 3.2 Internal safety reporting and investigations
>> 3.3 Safety action planning
>> 3.4 Safety performance monitoring
>> 3.5 Change management
>> 3.6 Safety training (including human factors) and promotion
>> 3.7 Immediate safety action and coordination with the operator’s emergency response plan (ERP)

Hits: 463

 Sofema Online looks at the essential elements of a functioning EASA Part 145 Organisation

Risk management

Risk Management is primarily comprised of two elements.

>> Hazard identification

>> Risk Assessment (and mitigation)

Hits: 419

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the role of a Functional Hazard Assessment as part of the Aircraft Type Certificate Certification Process.


A Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) is a systematic evaluation conducted to identify and assess potential hazards associated with the functions and behaviours of a system or process. It is common to ensure safety and mitigate risks.

>> The FHA focuses on analyzing the functional aspects of a system to identify potential hazards and their potential consequences.

Hits: 604

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the key element related to understanding Safety Management for Flight & Cabin Crew.

Introduction – What is an SMS?

>> A safety management system (SMS) is defined as a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary

o Organizational structures,
o Accountabilities,
o Policies and procedures.

Hits: 671

Sofema Online (SOL) looks at the various elements involved in an Aviation SMS Change Management Processes.


We all accept that there will be constant changes both within our organisation (internal changes) and within the greater aviation system, (both internal and external) including:

» Regulatory changes,

Hits: 1190
0 offers online training including EASA Part 66 Module 9 Human Factors compliant training for third country workshop personnel 

Introduction to Hazards & Risk 

Hazard - Consider that a Hazard has the potential to disrupt or cause harm in some way - this does not in any way mean that it will - simply it can.

Risk - When we look at risk we are trying to determine how great is our exposure to the perceived hazard. So risk is subjective and the more effective the risk analysis and mitigation process the less likely we are to suffer the consequence of a “hazard”.

Reality Check 1 - Maintenance professionals are of course human and therefore prone to human error. Therefore acceptance of vulnerability and potential exposure is the first step in taking responsibility and avoiding risk-taking behaviours. 

Hits: 1768