Blog posts tagged in 145

What functions are served by the following groups?

Sofema Online (SOL) takes a detailed look at the role & purpose of the Safety Groups within an EASA Compliant Part 145 Organisation.

» Safety Review Board (SRB)
» Safety Action Group (SAG)
» Safety Expert Group (SEG)

Hits: 3012

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the fundamental role of an EASA Part 145 Organisation

 EASA Part 145 concerns the approval issued to aircraft maintenance organizations.

The Part 145 organization is responsible to perform and certify maintenance in accordance with its regulatory approval to an approved standard using approved data. 

Hits: 3399

Understand the methodology and challenges to enable the implementation of the most effective process to manage maintenance errors.
To develop best practice techniques for managing an effective Maintenance Error Management System using MEDA.
In addition, delegates will understand how to develop organizational, specific MEDA programs for use within the organization.

Hits: 1792

Comment by Steve Bentley – CEO of Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) – Your Aviation Regulatory Training Provider


We are asked this question with regularity (unfortunately) – Is Sofema Aviation Services / SofemaOnline Approved by EASA to Deliver Regulatory Training?

Why unfortunately? – Because often the person asking is a Compliance or Safety Manager or even a Nominated Post Holder operating within the European Union and working for an Operator, or AMO / CAMO or an Airport or an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) or Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO).

Hits: 1742

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the availability of supporting courses to support the role of Production Planner delivered online through our virtual aviation academy.


EASA Part 145 and its forebear JAR 145 is a mature regulatory environment with nearly 30 years of development within the European Arena. There is increasing focus being brought to bear regarding the importance of managing competence within the workplace and it is for the reason that both EASA & European Regulatory Authorities are expecting that EASA Part 145 Organisations manage the competence of employees within the 145!

Hits: 1652

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The Role of Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS)

The ability of the organisation to investigate Maintenance Error is a valuable tool for understanding causal, contributory, and root elements and developing and providing appropriate mitigation to reduce ongoing exposure.

If we wish to minimize re-occurrence we should address not only the root cause (or causes) of a given outcome but also consider all the contributing causes (and there could be many!) as this will have a significant positive impact on the lowering of the threat level (reduction in exposure).

Hits: 1934

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A number of Training courses are mandated by EASA as recurrent, for example: Maintenance Human Factors (HF), Electrical Wiring Interconnect System Training (EWIS) and Fuel Tank Safety (FTS).

European Aviation Safety Agency drives the requirement for recurrent training through EASA Part 145 regulations.

This training may be delivered in-house or by an external Regulatory Training Organisational for example, or by an online training organization for example,

Hits: 5612