Blog posts tagged in SofemaOnline

Dangerous Goods Awareness Training is essential for all persons who are connected with the aviation process involving passengers, baggage & cargo.

» Awareness of what exactly constitutes Dangerous Goods is essentially to ensure the safe handling and shipping of these goods.
» Knowledge regarding responsibility & liability should be understood by every person who is involved with passengers, cargo, baggage & security of the process.
» All DG materials and products must be packed, handled, and transported in such a way as to prevent accidents.

Why Choose Sofema Online for your Dangerous Goods Awareness Training?

» Sofema Online has been providing online fully compliant Dangerous Goods Awareness Training for over 5 years
» All online material is updated annually and remains current.
»Sofema Online Dangerous Goods Awareness Training is supported by European Cargo and Aviation Services Ltd.

Hits: 1343

Sofema Online (SOL) is pleased to provide an open offer to Compliance Managers/Safety Managers/Nominated Post Holders

Enjoy Guest Access to assess the suitability of Sofema Online training Courses for your Organisation

>> An opportunity to assess the suitability of any of our 300+ courses

>> Perform an Audit as part of your training needs assessment

Hits: 1354


Review by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)


To comply with FSTD comply with Certification Specification CS-FSTD(A) the following terms and abbreviations are contained in AMC1 FSTD(A).200.

Flight simulation training device (FSTD) means a training device which is In the case of aeroplanes        

       »  A full-flight simulator (FFS)

       »  A flight training device (FTD),

       »  A flight navigation procedures trainer (FNPT),

       »  or A basic instrument training device (BITD).

Hits: 1827

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the merits of taking control of your learning journey


So let’s take this challenge head-on and accept that you deserve a clear and well-understood path to deliver the outcomes to which you aspire.

You Owe Yourself a Career Path Plan

Are you seeing the benefits of a carefully constructed career path plan (Is it supported by your employer (not a requirement but certainly a major positive if your employer is supportive of your career aspirations). Be assured that creating a career path plan is an essential element to support your lifelong career objectives.

Hits: 1298

Sharing a view - Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema offers his take on how we interpret the terms QA & QC

Introduction - Is there a difference between EASA/FAA & ISO? Interpretation of Quality Assurance & Quality Control?

Well yes but first let's start with this interpretation (not mine) - Quality Glossary Definition: Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)

      » Quality assurance and quality control are two aspects of quality management.
      » While some quality assurance and quality control activities are interrelated, the two are defined differently.
      » Typically, QA activities and responsibilities cover virtually all of the quality system in one fashion or another,
      » While QC is a subset of the QA activities.
      » Also, elements in the quality system might not be specifically covered by QA/QC activities and responsibilities but may involve QA and QC.

Hits: 1375

Considerations provided by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)

EASA Background – Qualified Entities

With the introduction of Basic Regulation EC 216/2008, EASA defined a Qualified Entity in the following way: "qualified entity" shall mean a body which may be allocated a specific certification task by, and under the control and the responsibility of, the Agency or national aviation authority.

The role of Qualified Entity is therefore viewed in the context of the provision of support to EASA, specifically in the field of certification activities.

Hits: 1562

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the relationship between marketing & economics.


The price of a product is determined by the law of supply and demand. Consumers have a desire to acquire a product, and producers manufacture a supply to meet this demand.

The equilibrium market price of a good is the price at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded. Graphically, the supply and demand curves intersect at the equilibrium price.

Essentially we can consider that Marketing is a bringing together of economics and psychology. We could even consider that marketing may be considered as a sub-element of economics.

Hits: 1353

SofemaOnline (SOL) Discusses the function of Margin within the Marketing Environment 

Introduction – What do we understand by Margin Considerations in Marketing Distribution Channel Considerations

Whilst Profit margin is not considered a particularly complex ratio it is nevertheless a very important indicator of the efficiency of our business.

Note - Net profit margin is a far better representation of financial health than revenues alone. (consider It is possible to increase your company's earnings while decreasing your profit margin)

Hits: 1410

Sofema Online (SOL) considers Distribution Channels 

Introduction – What do we understand by Marketing Distribution Channel Considerations

Placement or product distribution is always going to be a major consideration whether you’re selling a physical product, software application or digital service.

      » Where are people going to find your products or services?
      » Where can they purchase them?
      » Where are they going to use them?
      » How are you going to manage inventory?

Hits: 1266

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the role of Marketing Based on Product Life Cycle

Introduction – What is the Product Life Cycle (PLC)?

Typically, all Products have a beginning, middle, and ending and the Product Life Cycle describes the stages of a product from launch to being discontinued.

Product marketing managers must introduce their new product while it's relatively unknown and production is small.

It is well known that there is a high failure rate of new products and an effective marketing process is essential to support successful delivery. Therefore it is important to review your portfolio to understand which stage your products or services have reached across your portfolio of all products and to assess the market share.

Hits: 1321

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the opportunity to introduce segmentation into the Marketing Mix

What is Marketing Segmentation?

Market segmentation is essentially a technique to allow the division of our target market into smaller and more manageable groups based on a number of common metrics to permit.

Market Segmentation recognizes that customers of each market segment have characteristics that we can leverage to advance our marketing efforts by enabling better communication and engagement with our customers.

Hits: 1437

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the different roles of SB,s & AD,s

Airworthiness Directives

Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are legally enforceable rules issued by the Regulatory Authority of the Type Certificate Holder, (TCH) Supplemental Type Certificate Holder (STCH) or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (may also be issued by other Regulatory Authorities).

Hits: 14662

Introduction – Achieving Marketing Success through Promotions

Without a doubt, promotional marketing is a key driver to successful sales & never more so than when we are considering the online sales potential of our business.

Delivering customer satisfaction through the medium of a bonus, benefit or discount provides an opportunity for improved customer engagement.

Used carefully such strategies can drive both sales and improved return on investment ROI.

Hits: 1301

SofemaOnline (SOL) considers the optimum process for Effective Marketing using Data-Driven Advertising

Introduction - What is Data-Driven Marketing?

Data-driven marketing is used to describe approaches to optimizing our marketing communications based on customer information.

Effective use of customer data allows us to anticipate their needs, wishes, and even potential future behaviors.

A detailed insight into our customers enables us to develop personalized marketing strategies and thus to improve our return on investment (ROI).

Hits: 1311

Sofema Online (SOL) considers the optimum process for Marketing Excellence

Introduction to your Strategic Marketing Process

Strategic market planning could be described as utilization of best practices as well as analysis and carefully made decisions to develop a plan with what we believe is the highest likelihood of success.

Your marketing effort should be driven by your strategic process with the following aspirations

Hits: 1224

Sofema Online (SOL) Considers the Importance of Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS Practical Training to support the Competence Development of Aircraft Inspectors.


Following investigations in the aftermath of Flight TWA800 and Swissair 111, a detailed investigation was performed by the Ageing Transport System Rulemaking Advisory Committee ATSRAC into the effectiveness of the Inspection Process carried out during maintenance activities.

After some years of Investigation, it was understood that there were a number of shortcomings observed which has translated into the need for specific training to manage electrical wiring inspection standards.

Hits: 2564

Overview by Sofema Online (SOL)


Safety Management Systems in Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations and Alleviations for general aviation aircraft concerning maintenance and continuing airworthiness management

Authors Note

          » This was laying the foundation for the Introduction of

o   Part ML for aircraft below 2730 Kg

o   Part CAMO – To Replace Part M Subpart G & Introduce SMS & Management System (Opinion No 05/2016)

o   Part CAO – To Replace Part M Subpart F and introduce CAW management as an option

Hits: 1376

Considerations reviewed by Sofema Online (SOL) ref EU Regulation 1321/2014 - M.A.904 as amended by Regulation (EU) 2019/1383

When importing an aircraft onto a Member State register from a third country or from a regulatory system where Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 does not apply, the applicant shall:

- Apply to the competent authority of the Member State of registry for the issuance of a new airworthiness certificate in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012

- For aircraft other than new, have an airworthiness review carried out in accordance with point M.A.901

- Have all maintenance carried out to comply with the AMP approved in accordance with point M.A.302

-  When satisfied that the aircraft is in compliance with the relevant requirements, The organisation performing the airworthiness review, shall send a documented recommendation for the issuance of an airworthiness review certificate to the competent authority of the Member State of registry

Hits: 1408

CAMO Considerations Related to the Issue of EASA Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC)

Considerations by Sofema Online (SOL)


The issuance of the airworthiness review certificate (ARC) by the airworthiness review staff only certifies that the aircraft is considered airworthy in relation to the scope of the airworthiness review performed and the fact that the airworthiness review staff are not aware of instances of non-compliance which endanger flight safety. Furthermore, it only certifies that the aircraft is considered airworthy at the time of the review.

Hits: 1775

Presented by Sofema Online (SOL)

Issued by EASA Competent Authority (CA) 

Reasons Why CA will issue the ARC

» Whenever circumstances reveal the existence of a potential risk to aviation safety

»  When the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is managed by a CAMO or CAO which has its principal place of business located in a third country

Hits: 2897